Articles Listings

Displaying 2501 - 2520 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
2501 Breaks Iowa jumping mark 11/29/1965 3:01 Parachuting
2502 Highway Commission program to 1986. 11/29/1965 14:01 Roads - Iowa
2503 State agents assist in hunt for assailant 11/29/1965 3:02 Farmer - Hunter Relations
2504 Photos of air crashes permitted 11/29/1965 14:01 Freedom of the Press
2505 One hundred four national figures urge backing Viet aims 11/29/1965 1:05 Vietnam
2506 United States turns down food request 11/29/1965 14:01 Ghana
2507 Democratic representative thinks Governor should call special legislative s 11/29/1965 20:02 Insurance, Health
2508 Governor tells poverty director to be less critical. 11/30/1965 1:1+ Poverty
2509 Evict Davenport mother in school lunch dispute. 11/30/1965 1:02 Public Schools
2510 Attorney attacks law on draft card burning 11/30/1965 11:01 Military Service, Compulsory
2511 More than 400,000 of states 1.5 million licensed drivers have never been re 11/30/1965 3:05 Automobile Drivers
2512 Editorial on clubbing 11/30/1965 8:01 Farmer - Hunter Relations
2513 Special census planned for Des Moines 11/30/1965 3:06 United States - Census
2514 Record Thanksgiving road toll: 615 11/30/1965 12:01 Traffic Accidents
2515 Lamoni's laws 11/30/1965 8:01 Traffic Regulations
2516 Lying in Otepha case 11/30/1965 8:01 United States -- State, Department of
2517 Find California house where anti-war leaflets to GIs began 11/30/1965 1:6+ Vietnam
2518 Orderly expression of dissent in Washington protest 11/30/1965 8:01 Vietnam
2519 Student views on policy at three New York campuses 11/30/1965 8:08 Vietnam
2520 Iowa 7th in fluoridation, 75 communities with population of 1,002,973 are s 11/30/1965 6:07 Water Supply -- Fluoridation