Articles Listings

Displaying 115301 - 115320 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
115301 Five witnesses place Mark in Iowa at time of murders. 06/16/1976 3A:5 Murder
115302 Colonel Sanders wants to pluck his name from Fairfield Iowa restaurant. 06/16/1976 3A:2 Restaurants
115303 Blood on their hands 06/16/1976 8A:1 Cuba
115304 The Second Amendment 06/16/1976 8A:1 Firearms
115305 New Dubuque television station awaits okay 06/16/1976 9A:5 Television Stations
115306 Richard Turner gets go-ahead on truck appeal 06/16/1976 1A:2 Trucks
115307 Des Moines Zoning board refuses plan to replace an aging house at 756 Sixte 06/16/1976 9A:3 Zoning
115308 Rare Ford, Reagan joint appearance, Des Moines 06/17/1976 1A:2 Presidential Candidates
115309 Gerald Ford versus Ronald Reagan 06/17/1976 16A:1 Presidential Candidates
115310 Tax board tough with local units, appeals panel rejects most city, county r 06/17/1976 1A:1 Property Tax
115311 List by county shows the decisions of the state appeals board, with the dol 06/17/1976 5A:2 Property Tax
115312 Goodwill near takeover of Des Moines recycling. 06/17/1976 1A:5 Refuse, Utilization of
115313 A 'great' organization? 06/17/1976 16A:1 Labor and Laboring Classes
115314 A study group recommends that Polk County should spend about $500,000 to co 06/17/1976 12A:1 Local Finance
115315 Jasper County home granted new state license. 06/17/1976 7A:1 Nursing Homes
115316 Smoker of cigarette key issue in Mark trial, Sioux City, Iowa. 06/17/1976 9A:2 Murder
115317 Sex inequality in jobs 06/17/1976 16A:1 Discrimination in Employment
115318 Advertising drug prices. 06/17/1976 16A:1 Drugs
115319 Order rehiring of two teachers, state urged, the Martensdale-St. Marys 06/17/1976 6A:1 Teachers
115320 Iowa tornado victims aided by neighbors, Jackson Township, Iowa 06/17/1976 3A:1 Tornadoes