Articles Listings

Displaying 1701 - 1720 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
1701 B ad housing in Davenport 10/12/1965 1:02 Negroes in the United States
1702 Sees attempt to control schools in Chicago case 10/12/1965 6:03 Federal Aid to Education
1703 New Fox study 10/12/1965 6:01 Taxation
1704 Goals 10/12/1965 6:01 United World Federalists
1705 Sixty-eight county plan in state, proposed Northeast Iowa plan 10/12/1965 3:01 Vocational Education
1706 Governor and Secretary discuss reorganization; milk sanitation may be cut 10/12/1965 7:01 Iowa. Department of Agriculture
1707 President Johnson's Boston appointment degrade judiciary 10/12/1965 6:01 Judges
1708 Doctor J. R. Walter, Ames and Doctor J. D. Sickel, Red Oak appointed 10/12/1965 11:08 Iowa. State Board of Public Instruction
1709 Low bid on married student housing 10/12/1965 5:08 Iowa. University, Iowa City
1710 What men, women think of women executives 10/12/1965 9:01 Women
1711 Values of trade with Communist bloc 10/13/1965 8:01 Business
1712 Columbus and Leif Ericsson. 10/13/1965 8:01 America - Discovery and Exploration
1713 County reapportionment. 10/13/1965 8:01 Apportionment (Election Law)
1714 File property lines 10/13/1965 3:07 Amish in Iowa
1715 Role of federal government in farm affairs 10/13/1965 4:01 Miller, Jack
1716 Conflict of interest; chairman 10/13/1965 8:01 National Endowment for the Arts
1717 Claims recent program boosts income. 10/13/1965 13:02 National Farmers Organization
1718 Attacked as Communist plot by Hargis aide in Des Moines 10/13/1965 6:01 Folk Music
1719 War can be eliminated by Yoga. 10/13/1965 8:01 War
1720 Opens Statehouse office today, Reverend Philip C. Hamilton, Dubuque, chairm 10/13/1965 3:03 Iowa Civil Rights Commission