Articles Listings

Displaying 2281 - 2300 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
2281 Inequitable tax relief. 02/18/1976 6A:1 Property Tax
2282 Des Moines Board approved Jefferson site as 'basic' school, Oak Park additi 02/18/1976 1A:4 Public Schools
2283 Pleasant Hill parents to get answer March 16, Des Moines. 02/18/1976 2B:3 Public Schools
2284 Zoning Board approves Vietnamese food store, Des Moines. 02/18/1976 2B:1 Refugees, Vietnamese
2285 Tavern owner to get drunk, drive at Cedar Rapids - a test will be made unde 02/18/1976 3A:1 Alcoholism
2286 Donald W. Harris, chairman of the board of trustees at Davis County Hospita 02/18/1976 5B:3 Malpractice
2287 Nuclear safety issue 02/18/1976 6A:1 Atomic Power
2288 Des Moines man's conviction upheld: Cannot mail obscene material. 02/18/1976 3A:2 Obscenity (Law)
2289 Proposed ban on diagonal roads debated. 02/18/1976 8A:2 Roads - Iowa
2290 Tavern owners to get drunk, drive at Cedar Rapids - a test will be made und 02/18/1976 3A:1 Drinking and Traffic Accidents
2291 Polk County Board of Supervisors votes $30,000 to pull a Des Moines - based 02/18/1976 3A:5 Drugs
2292 Keep commission alive 02/18/1976 6A:1 Elections
2293 After fourteen hours of deliberation, the Iowa House Education Committee ap 02/18/1976 2B:6 Teachers
2294 Iowa Farmers Home Administration told to open lawyer list 02/18/1976 1A:4 Future Farmers of America
2295 State Health Commissioner Norman Pawlewski asks for $85,000 in state money 02/18/1976 1A:1 Health
2296 Iowa Employment Security Commission's impending name-change -- the commissi 02/18/1976 1A:3 Iowa. Employment Security Commission
2297 Iowa Senate votes probe of Medicaid 02/18/1976 5B:2 Insurance, Health
2298 Iowans back Governor Ray's plan to ease property taxes. 02/17/1976 2B:1 Property Tax
2299 More grain inspection. 02/17/1976 8A:1 Agriculture
2300 No real oil-price relief 02/17/1976 8A:1 Oil