Articles Listings

Displaying 113441 - 113460 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
113441 Indict University of Iowa student for burning draft card. 11/06/1965 3:06 Military Service, Compulsory
113442 Montgomery County plan for area school unacceptable 11/06/1965 5:05 Vocational Education
113443 Find Sixty-six percent approve of way President Johnson is doing his job; l 11/06/1965 14:03 Gallup Poll
113444 Wheat for East Germany 11/06/1965 4:01 Germany (Democratic Republic)
113445 Find 66% approve of way he does job, cite greatest achievements 11/06/1965 14:03 Johnson, Lyndon B.
113446 Is university too big? Brief comments by President Bowen 11/06/1965 4:04 Iowa. University, Iowa City
113447 Evashevski denies he will coach football again 11/06/1965 1S:1 Iowa. University, Iowa City
113448 First action to investigate consumer frauds taken in Waterloo insurance cas 11/06/1965 1:8+ Insurance
113449 Van Buren County to join program. 11/05/1965 3:01 Poverty
113450 Professional welfare workers in Iowa resent criticism by poverty program of 11/05/1965 7:01 Poverty
113451 Mass indoctrination. 11/05/1965 8:01 China (People's Republic)
113452 Presidential study of farm policy effects; National Advisory Commission on 11/05/1965 22:04 Agriculture
113453 Price direction by government threat 11/05/1965 8:01 Aluminum
113454 Act to collect fines; state takes hogs 11/05/1965 1:03 Amish in Iowa
113455 Pheasant's viewpoint 11/05/1965 8:01 Pheasants
113456 Balanced election ticket: religion and nationality 11/05/1965 8:01 New York (City)
113457 Find most Iowa motorists do not use belts. 11/05/1965 7:03 Safety Belts
113458 Iowa ranks 4th among states in amount allocated for advertising control. 11/05/1965 3:08 Roadside Improvement
113459 Local boards can set up or omit shared time programs for private school stu 11/05/1965 14:06 Educational Cooperation
113460 $18.6 million for Iowa; projects to improve schooling of educationally depr 11/05/1965 1:8+ Federal Aid to Education