Articles Listings

Displaying 113521 - 113540 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
113521 Fifty-two percent feel government should not cut foreign travel 11/01/1965 8:04 Travel
113522 Decrees 11/01/1965 8:04 Vatican Council
113523 Noncombatant victims 11/01/1965 4:01 Vietnam
113524 Favor financial aid for murder victim's family 11/01/1965 15:07 Gallup Poll
113525 Planning health facilities, council 11/01/1965 8:04 Health
113526 Governor Hughes sees more meat sales to Japan 11/01/1965 5:01 Japan
113527 Foreign travel should not be cut by government, 52 percent say 11/01/1965 8:04 Iowa Poll
113528 Vital to know Japan 11/01/1965 3:01 Hughes, Harold E.
113529 Sees more meat sales to Japan 11/01/1965 5:01 Hughes, Harold E.
113530 Campaign issue in New Jersey. 10/31/1965 4G:5 Academic Freedom
113531 Hickenlooper ridicules claims of Iowa poverty. 10/31/1965 1L:6+ Poverty
113532 Iowa Council of Churches endorses program. 10/31/1965 1L:8 Poverty
113533 Opposition to plans. 10/31/1965 20G:1 Poverty
113534 Oldest Episcopal Church in Iowa. 10/31/1965 pp. 20-21 Churches
113535 Sharp rise in prospecting for Southern Iowa. 10/31/1965 1L:1+ Coal
113536 Rivalry over Rock Island system. 10/31/1965 20G:1 Railroads
113537 Governor explains Iowa-Illinois clean air pact to Japanese 10/31/1965 3L:1 Air Pollution
113538 United States-British workers compared in wages, rent, food, production 10/31/1965 17G:4 Labor
113539 Labeling imported meat. 10/31/1965 20G:1 Meat
113540 Suggests putting stores on old Council Bluffs-Omaha bridge 10/31/1965 3L:1 Bridges