Articles Listings

Displaying 113541 - 113560 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
113541 State's longest (1.07 miles) and highest (85 feet) bridge to open near Knox 10/31/1965 3L:3 Bridges
113542 Biography in "These Amazing Iowans" series. 10/31/1965 1L:6+ Bendixen, Harold A.
113543 Iowa doctor proposes publishing safety ratings on each make of car. 10/31/1965 3L:5 Automobiles - Safety Devices and Measures
113544 New business and cultural buildings in Des Moines. 10/31/1965 picture section: 4-5, 7-8 Architecture
113545 National convention in November, showdown 10/31/1965 13G:1 National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam
113546 Corruption seen as GOP (Grand Old Party) argument in 1966. 10/31/1965 7G:6 Republican Party
113547 Where the Girls are: A Social Guide to Women's Colleges in the East, excerp 10/31/1965 15G:3 Colleges and Universities
113548 Bendixen, Harold A. 10/31/1965 1L:6+ "These Amazing Iowans" series
113549 Importance to state 10/31/1965 2L:3 Tourist Trade
113550 New York march 10/31/1965 1G:7+ Vietnam
113551 "Operation We Care" in Dubuque to provide gifts for Viet GIs. 10/31/1965 5L:7 Vietnam
113552 Gardner Cowles speech on Viet policy 10/31/1965 20G:3 Vietnam
113553 Peace groups begin to fight among selves 10/31/1965 13G:1 Vietnam
113554 Corruption seen as Grand Old Party argument in 1966 10/31/1965 7G:6 Gallup Poll
113555 Losses cut, insurance shows profit. 10/31/1965 10G:3 Greater Iowa Corporation
113556 Endorses poverty program 10/31/1965 1L:8 Iowa Council of Churches
113557 Eighth, scheduled for April 1-2 in Des Moines 10/31/1965 8L:1 Hawkeye Science Fair
113558 Ridicules claims of Iowa Poverty 10/31/1965 1L:6+ Hickenlooper, Bourke B.
113559 Visits Nagasaki 10/31/1965 1L:2+ Hughes, Harold E.
113560 Explains Iowa-Illinois clean air pact to Japanese 10/31/1965 3L:1 Hughes, Harold E.