Articles Listings

Displaying 113561 - 113580 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
113561 Break ground for Iowa State Center 10/31/1965 2L:1 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
113562 Marshall County rejects poverty program. 10/30/1965 3:01 Poverty
113563 Four poverty program directors form group: Iowa Association of Community Ac 10/30/1965 3:05 Poverty
113564 More abuses reported in Youth Corps program in nation. 10/30/1965 14:06 Poverty
113565 Act to seize goods from Amish 10/30/1965 1:6+ Amish in Iowa
113566 Involuntary confessions. 10/30/1965 4:01 Law - Iowa
113567 Attorney - General rules Iowa civil rights law does not require that paroch 10/30/1965 6:01 School Children - Transportation
113568 Wrap roast to car manifold, etc. 10/30/1965 4:01 Cookery
113569 Davenport and Burlington end daylight savings time (DST) October 31. 10/30/1965 1:03 Daylight Savings
113570 Federal personnel forms may show race again to ensure compliance with anti- 10/30/1965 14:02 Discrimination in Employment
113571 Special census disappointing, unfair 10/30/1965 4:01 United States - Census
113572 Rivers and harbors authorization bill 10/30/1965 4:01 United States Congress
113573 Set march by 50,000 Viet backers in New York 10/30/1965 1:07 Vietnam
113574 Four directors of anti-poverty programs form group 10/30/1965 3:01 Iowa Association of Community Action Directors
113575 Given top security in Japan 10/30/1965 3:06 Hughes, Harold E.
113576 Marxist beliefs of 2 Drew University faculty. 10/29/1965 6:01 Academic Freedom
113577 Omaha program cancelled, 90% of youth corps unqualified by income. 10/29/1965 1:01 Poverty
113578 Iowa director denies charge that he tries to set up state-wide control. 10/29/1965 8:05 Poverty
113579 How Klan teaches bombing 10/29/1965 1:8+ Ku Klux Klan
113580 Lower intelligence quotient (IQ) standards. 10/29/1965 4:01 Military Service