Articles Listings

Displaying 113581 - 113600 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
113581 Dictatorship 10/29/1965 6:01 Brazil
113582 The Beatles at Buckingham Palace. 10/29/1965 6:01 Beatles (Quartet)
113583 Inmates prepared for return to society. 10/29/1965 19:05 Parole
113584 Keep drilling in hunt for Iowa oil. 10/29/1965 9:02 Oil
113585 Assails service academies, United States agencies. 10/29/1965 17:01 Rickover, Hyman G.
113586 Des Moines' American Republic Insurance Company charged with wage discrimin 10/29/1965 1:03 Discrimination in Employment
113587 Iowa Board of Public Instruction suspends certificateds of two in precedent 10/29/1965 1:07 Teachers - Certification
113588 Twenty-one towns gain in population, list 10/29/1965 4S:5 United States - Census
113589 Dean of Men at Iowa University says few students in protest 10/29/1965 12:01 Vietnam
113590 Iowans enjoy living in Japan 10/29/1965 16:01 Japan
113591 Clarinda Community College offers its school for sale or lease as area comm 10/29/1965 9:04 Junior Colleges
113592 Commuting a prison sentence 10/29/1965 6:01 Justice, Administration Of
113593 Commutes prison sentence 10/29/1965 6:01 Hughes, Harold E.
113594 Classes open to wives of students and faculty in February 10/29/1965 4S:5 Yale University
113595 Waterloo letter blames obscene material for Des Moines assault 10/28/1965 6:03 Censorship
113596 Suspend 2 pupils, refused to buy lunch at school in Chester, Pennsylvania. 10/28/1965 7:01 Public Schools
113597 Find thyroid gland abnormalities on students in fallout zone. 10/28/1965 1:05 Radioactive Fallout
113598 In court again, fined 10/28/1965 3S:2 Amish in Iowa
113599 Alibi instruction controversy, Stump case. 10/28/1965 6:01 Law - Iowa
113600 Draft card defacement law. 10/28/1965 6:01 Military Service, Compulsory