Articles Listings

Displaying 113601 - 113620 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
113601 Shifting power balances in Asia. 10/28/1965 6:01 Balance of Power
113602 Buckley's rise may hurt Beame, not Lindsay 10/28/1965 5:04 New York (City)
113603 Interstate 35 shift fought by Northwest Iowa. 10/28/1965 7:01 Roads - Iowa
113604 Committee on National Student Citizenship in Every National Case of Emergen 10/28/1965 9:01 Conscience
113605 Dam project dooms Chariton River hickories. 10/28/1965 3:06 Dams
113606 Improving procedure, studies 10/28/1965 6:01 State Legislatures
113607 "Dropout backlash" humorous 10/28/1965 20:01 Student Withdrawals
113608 United Nations day observance, remarks by State Senator David Stanley 10/28/1965 3:01 United Nations
113609 Clinton drops 268 to 33,321 10/28/1965 4:04 United States - Census
113610 Iowa's congressmen spurred rise in federal aid for state 10/28/1965 4:06 United States Congress
113611 Student support and blood donations in Iowa 10/28/1965 9:01 Vietnam
113612 Committee on National Student Citizenship in Every National Case of Emergen 10/28/1965 9:01 Vietnam
113613 Pro-Viet rally ends in clash at Manhattan College, other rallies 10/28/1965 1:4+ Vietnam
113614 Voluntary Area-Wide Health Facilities Planning Council of Iowa formed 10/28/1965 15:07 Health
113615 Honors 5 librarians 10/28/1965 3:01 Iowa Library Association
113616 Touring governors laud Iowa's sister state setup 10/28/1965 3:02 Japan
113617 Official links rights movement, Communists in Davenport speech 10/28/1965 7:03 John Birch Society
113618 Cedar Rapids showdown with Iowa director. 10/27/1965 6:06 Poverty
113619 Grundy County rejects program in vote. 10/27/1965 7:01 Poverty
113620 Canadian wheat sale. 10/27/1965 10:01 China (People's Republic)