Articles Listings

Displaying 114181 - 114200 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
114181 Members listed, members told of need to follow modern business practices 09/22/1965 18:05 Iowa College Foundation
114182 Education key to bias-free child Des Moines Superintendent says at Institut 09/21/1965 18:03 Prejudice
114183 Dr. R. C. Gibson warns of disproportionate emphasis on science at annual me 09/21/1965 7:03 Colleges and Universities - Iowa
114184 Amish and the schools 09/21/1965 6:01 Amish in Iowa
114185 College students and the draft. 09/21/1965 6:04 Military Service, Compulsory
114186 Aid to Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) mothers in Linn County. 09/21/1965 1:07 Birth Control
114187 Federal government spending, including office of Economic Opportunity. 09/21/1965 2:01 Birth Control
114188 Doctor (Dr.) R.C. Gibson warns of disproportionate emphasis on science at a 09/21/1965 7:03 Association of Iowa College Presidents
114189 Virginia court declares Negro winner of nomination to General Assembly 09/21/1965 6:01 Negroes in the United States
114190 Neighborhood Youth Corps project to provide work for 228 youths in Linn Cou 09/21/1965 11:03 United States Labor, Department of -- Youth Opportunity Program
114191 German election 09/21/1965 6:01 Germany (Federal Republic)
114192 Questions need of Women's Reformatory 09/21/1965 11:05 Hughes, Harold E.
114193 Rising cost of Medical Aid to Aged 09/21/1965 6:01 Insurance, Health
114194 Governor questions need of women's reformatory 09/21/1965 11:05 Iowa. Women's Reformatory, Rockwell City
114195 Attorney General's opinion could raise county costs $2.25 million more each 09/20/1965 16:01 Mental Illness
114196 Is United States to blame? 09/20/1965 16:01 Pakistan
114197 New programs range from refreshing to a little sick 09/20/1965 11:01 Television
114198 Larry D. O'Brien prepares for job as "chief of patronage" 09/20/1965 17:01 United States Post Office Department
114199 Finds Republicans divided on kicking out Birchers 09/20/1965 16:04 John Birch Society
114200 United States seeks cancer-pesticide link 09/19/1965 3G:6 Cancer