Articles Listings

Displaying 1701 - 1720 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
1701 Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford deadlocked after Illinois primary 03/25/1976 5A:2 Gallup Poll
1702 Headed for the bank. 03/25/1976 14A:1 Gulf Oil Corporation
1703 State Superintendent of Public Instruction R. Benton says he is withholding 03/25/1976 3A:5 Junior Colleges
1704 Campaign leave for K. Fulk; his vote helps in job fuss - the Iowa State Fai 03/24/1976 1A:4 Candidates, Political
1705 Iowa Senate accord on tax relief. 03/24/1976 3A:6 Property Tax
1706 Opening closed minds. 03/24/1976 6A:1 Radio Broadcasting
1707 Iowa Legislators make second bid in drive to raise legal drinking age. 03/24/1976 8A:1 Liquor Laws and Regulations -Iowa
1708 Iowa Senate votes to curb expansion of courses at vocational schools. 03/24/1976 3A:1 Colleges and Universities - Iowa
1709 Police probe operation of drug unit, Des Moines. 03/24/1976 1A:2 Drugs
1710 Cowed on guns 03/24/1976 6A:1 Firearms
1711 Does estate tax really hurt family farms? 03/24/1976 6A:3 Taxation
1712 Governor Ray's aide is accused of pro-Ford pressure tactics 03/24/1976 3A:5 Ford, Gerald R.
1713 Debate use of translators for Iowa Educational Broadcasting Network program 03/24/1976 7A:1 Television in Education
1714 Iowa Department of Transportation plans to lay off 400 in funds pinch, most 03/24/1976 1A:1 Transportation
1715 Polk County District Judge Anthony Critelli upholds the firing of a former 03/24/1976 3A:1 Justice, Administration of - Local
1716 Dictating to doctors. 03/23/1976 6A:1 Abortion
1717 Tip prompts arson charges against Des Moines police officers. 03/23/1976 3A:3 Police
1718 H. Humphrey still top choice of Democrats for nomination. 03/23/1976 2B:1 Presidential Candidates
1719 Chiropractors plan to sue American Medical Association: Trade restraint, Da 03/23/1976 1A:4 Chiropractors
1720 Debate on property tax relief package postponed. 03/23/1976 5A:5 Property Tax