Articles Listings

Displaying 114341 - 114360 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
114341 A 'quilting bee' on Ames campus. 02/23/1969 p. 11 Quilts
114342 The fight against the blight. 04/11/1971 p. 11 Corn
114343 Iowa repealed the death penalty but the hanging continued informally. 11/11/1962 p. 12 Capital Punishment
114344 Books, bars and barber shops, and experiment during National Library Week. 04/21/1968 p. 12 Books
114345 Hundred-year old Iowa church in Boone County 12/01/1968 p. 12 Churches
114346 The student rebels - investigation shows their styles and slogans are surpr 12/01/1968 p. 12 College Students
114347 Progress report on the Saylorville Dam, Des Moines River 06/29/1969 p. 12 Dams
114348 How Pearl Buck's glowing faith in United States faded as she saw beloved id 06/07/1970 p. 12 Buck, Pearl S.
114349 Johnny Cash and daughters. 06/28/1970 p. 12 Cash, Johnny
114350 What color should a tower (water) be? - at Red Oak, it is orange and black. 12/13/1970 p. 12 Cities and Towns
114351 How Saroyan became "the best-behaved boy." 12/20/1970 p. 12 Saroyan, William
114352 How satellites will be of aid in city planning. 01/03/1971 p. 12 Cities and Towns
114353 How satellites will be of aid in city planning. 01/03/1971 p. 12 Space Technology
114354 It's the grownups who need it most, says Doctor (Dr.) Reuben 01/17/1971 p. 12 Sex Instruction
114355 Says Hollywood neither dead nor dying, and it's really art. 06/06/1971 p. 12 Schary, Dore
114356 Iowan, Ron Guilliams, on Middies' rugby team. 08/22/1971 p. 12 Rugby Football
114357 Iowa high schools joining in pollution study. 01/02/1972 p. 12 Air Pollution
114358 Iowa instruments may learn some of Jupiter's secrets. 02/06/1972 p. 12 Space Research
114359 Robert Dilley - a dedicated conservative 10/29/1972 p. 12 Candidates, Political
114360 Science Class 1974 - University of Iowa Professor Robert Yager and educator 08/04/1974 p. 12 Science - Study and Teaching