Articles Listings

Displaying 1981 - 2000 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
1981 Iowa farm land value climbs 34 percent in year. 06/16/1974 9A:4 Land Values
1982 United States Representative Bella Abzug says 'don't help male candidates,' 09/22/1974 9A:4 Candidates, Political
1983 Tradition, extra pay for lawmakers seen on way out. 04/06/1975 9A:4 Legislators, Iowa
1984 Rolling back property tax needs now, Franklin County, Iowa. 05/18/1975 9A:4 Property Tax
1985 Charge hunter killed protected cormorant, Centerville, Iowa. 10/29/1975 9A:4 Birds - Protection
1986 Last surviving building in the old pioneer town of Preparation in Monona Co 11/16/1975 9A:4 Historic Houses, etc.
1987 Polk County Board defers pay raise talk. 11/19/1975 9A:4 Public Officers - Salaries, Allowances, Etc.
1988 Faculty at University of Northern Iowa seeks two steps for bargaining 01/06/1976 9A:4 Government Employees
1989 Faculty at University of Northern Iowa seeks 2 steps for bargaining 01/06/1976 9A:4 Iowa. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
1990 Polk County Conference Board approves a $2,120 salary increase for County A 01/09/1976 9A:4 Public Officers - Salaries, Allowances, Etc.
1991 Iowa skydiving organizer opens New Mexico office 01/13/1976 9A:4 Parachuting
1992 American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) wins 04/22/1976 9A:4 Labor and Laboring Classes
1993 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) wins 04/22/1976 9A:4 Government Employees
1994 Finds chief gave drugs for profit. 04/28/1976 9A:4 Police
1995 Judge upsets renewal pact at Iowa City. 05/05/1976 9A:4 Municipal Improvement
1996 Des Moines school panel to recommend some closings. 05/13/1976 9A:4 School Attendance
1997 A 10-point plan for improving student performance in the basic academic ski 05/29/1976 9A:4 Public Schools
1998 Gallup Poll: Living cost-inflation top worry of United States public. 05/20/1973 9A:3 Cost of Living
1999 Living cost-inflation top worry of United States public 05/20/1973 9A:3 Gallup Poll
2000 Jehovah's Witnesses build Dyersville hall 01/20/1974 9A:3 Churches