Articles Listings

Displaying 114321 - 114340 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
114321 Wise decision by Nixon--rejects President Thieu's invitation for visit to S 11/09/1968 10:01 Nixon, Richard Milhous
114322 Wise do not resent death 07/18/1973 10:06 Harris, Sydney
114323 Wise handling of juvenile case. 01/14/1968 6T:1 Juvenile Delinquency
114324 Wise hiring policy of auditor-elect 12/04/1966 18G:1 Government Employees
114325 Wise investment for Iowa 12/14/1975 1B:1 Iowa. General Assembly
114326 Wise Iowa investment 10/18/1970 14T:1 State Finance
114327 Wise Iowa investment 10/18/1970 14T:1 Iowa. General Assembly
114328 Wise Iowa investment in land. 11/14/1973 6:01 Conservation
114329 Wise policies on student unrest. 07/25/1970 4:01 Ray, Robert D.
114330 Wise policies on student unrest. 07/25/1970 4:01 College Students
114331 Wise policy on Pornography 10/06/1973 8:01 Immoral Literature and Pictures
114332 Wise policy reversal, to invest in federal securities at higher interest 04/27/1966 8:01 State Finance
114333 Wise rejection of 'protection' bill 03/05/1970 6:01 Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives
114334 Wise rejection of 'protection' bill. 03/05/1970 6:01 Property
114335 Wise reversal on tax-free bonds, Senator Hickenlooper and Miller voted to m 03/30/1968 8:01 Taxation
114336 Wise tax move 01/13/1971 8:01 Taxation
114337 Wise use of public health money. 05/26/1971 10:01 Medical Service, State
114338 Wise use of welfare funds 04/29/1964 8:01 Social Welfare
114339 Wise use of welfare funds. 04/29/1964 8:01 Aid to Dependent Children
114340 Wise ways to share your bounty 11/23/1975 1E:1 Food supply