114021 |
'Forgto case, bought stock' |
09/24/1969 |
1:04 |
Judges |
114022 |
'Forgotten' inmates will get hearing, Polk County Jail |
11/22/1971 |
1:05 |
Justice, Administration Of |
114023 |
'Forgiven' farm loans--Poweshiek County through Tama County |
11/21/1974 |
16:03 |
Floods |
114024 |
'Forgetting' war prisoners |
10/04/1969 |
10:01 |
Vietnam |
114025 |
'Footnotes to history' |
03/22/1970 |
1W:1 |
Hobbies |
114026 |
'Floodway' zone voted by Des moines council, curbs waterway property use |
06/17/1975 |
1:05 |
Flood Prevention and Control |
114027 |
'Flood of filth' alarms J. Edgar Hoover |
04/01/1967 |
1:06 |
Immoral Literature and Pictures |
114028 |
'Flip Side', the flossiest comedy in many seasons, is scheduled to open at |
09/13/1968 |
6:04 |
Drama |
114029 |
'Flight from rural United States can be stemmed' |
12/12/1967 |
3S:4 |
Hughes, Harold E. |
114030 |
'Flexibility' urged by University of Iowa President Boyd. |
09/17/1969 |
7:03 |
Boyd, Willard L. |
114031 |
'Flexibility' urged by University of Iowa President Boyd |
09/17/1969 |
7:03 |
Iowa. University, Iowa City |
114032 |
'Fledermaus' to be last summer opera for Herald Stark at University of Iowa |
07/15/1975 |
3:01 |
Iowa. University, Iowa City |
114033 |
'Fire' head of Waterloo Rights Group - Willie Mosley, 27. |
06/26/1974 |
10:01 |
Public Officers |
114034 |
'Fire bomb' is more American |
05/02/1969 |
16:01 |
Violence |
114035 |
'Final war with Communism' |
10/06/1966 |
16:01 |
Freedom Academy (Proposed) |
114036 |
'Final blow' to western university - Iowa Senate 'no' to purchase of land n |
02/06/1970 |
1:08 |
Colleges and Universities - Iowa |
114037 |
'Final blow' to western university - Iowa Senate 'no' to purchase of land n |
02/06/1970 |
1:08 |
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate |
114038 |
'Fiddler' for Veishea -- May 4-5-6 |
03/26/1972 |
10C:1 |
Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames |
114039 |
'Feud' cited in drive to register University of Iowa students to vote in lo |
09/11/1971 |
7S:4 |
Voters, Registration of |
114040 |
'Feel Worthless:' that's why some run away. |
05/30/1972 |
9:01 |
Runaway Boys and Girls |