Articles Listings

Displaying 114061 - 114080 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
114061 'Evacuate now': B. Bedell 04/06/1975 6A:1 Vietnam
114062 'Erroneous' fliers on congressional family bill are circulating in Iowa lik 02/08/1976 9A:1 Cruelty to Children
114063 'Equality' aid by Lutherans - Iowa district agrees to contribute $3,500 to 06/16/1970 5:08 Church and Social Problems
114064 'Equal time' for creationists. 01/07/1973 10C:1 Public Schools
114065 'Equal time' for creationists. 01/07/1973 10C:1 Religion and Science
114066 'Equal pay' bid dropped by Des Moines firemen 09/25/1968 1:05 Firemen
114067 'Environmental Management of Forest Resources' is topic of career workshop 07/19/1970 7T:2 Forests and Forestry
114068 'Entertainment' at work. Democratic Party
114069 'Enforceable' gaming law sent to Iowa Senate 05/01/1975 3:06 Gambling
114070 'End to all military activities' 01/30/1973 6:01 Vietnam
114071 'End moratorium on common sense' 11/02/1969 13T:1 Vietnamese War, 1957 - Protests, Demonstrations, etc, Against
114072 'Empty' gun wounds boy, girl at Des Moines park 07/03/1968 1:01 Firearms
114073 'Emergency' Sunday gas needed: Governor Ray 11/27/1973 1:02 Fuel Supply
114074 'Emergency' at Northern Illinois University. 03/23/1969 2G:3 College Students
114075 'Emergency' after clash at Berkeley. 07/01/1968 1:05 College Students
114076 'Effectiveness' key issue in second Congressional District race - J. Culver 10/30/1972 7:01 Candidates, Political
114077 'Education is practically nonexistent'. Today's college courses for teache 10/24/1971 26P:1 Education
114078 'Edith' could save a life 10/12/1967 11:01 Fire Protection
114079 'Economy unit' seeks increase in camping fees. 02/14/1970 4:03 Camping
114080 'Easy cures' for drug use criticized by former user - second statewide conf 10/08/1970 3:02 Drugs