114261 |
'Beer blast' award: $5,400 |
03/14/1970 |
5:07 |
Justice, Administration Of |
114262 |
'Because it is right.' |
10/19/1969 |
8T:1 |
Economic Assistance, American |
114263 |
'Because it is right' |
10/19/1969 |
8T:1 |
International Relations |
114264 |
'Bearded intellectuals' at Iowa State University called 'dead-beats' |
10/26/1967 |
9:05 |
Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames |
114265 |
'Bearded intellectuals' at Iowa State University (ISU) called 'dead-beats'. |
10/26/1967 |
9:05 |
College Students |
114266 |
'Battled huge snakes,' then found girl dead. |
10/08/1968 |
6:01 |
Hallucinogenic Drugs |
114267 |
'Batching it' in the Capitol |
01/12/1969 |
1L:2 |
Hughes, Harold E. |
114268 |
'Basis for agreement' |
11/26/1974 |
8:01 |
United States -- Foreign Relations -- Russia |
114269 |
'Basic Skill' school okayed by Des Moines board - will stress reading, arit |
01/07/1976 |
1A:1 |
Public Schools |
114270 |
'Basic political currents favor Democrats' -- Dean Acheson sees 1948-style |
09/22/1968 |
8T:3 |
Presidents - United States - Elections |
114271 |
'Barbs do us good' |
07/28/1970 |
4:03 |
Journalism |
114272 |
'Barber services to all.' |
11/27/1961 |
22:01 |
Discrimination |
114273 |
'Barbarism' in Marine brig told by Life Magazine |
10/06/1969 |
6:02 |
United States Marine Corps |
114274 |
'Bao Chi,' begged Austrailian reporter; then Viet Cong killed him |
05/06/1968 |
1:06 |
Vietnam |
114275 |
'Baloney' about the olympics |
10/07/1972 |
6:04 |
Harris, Sydney |
114276 |
'Bailey' could solve bridge problems: engineers. |
03/26/1972 |
1F:1 |
Bridges |
114277 |
'Bad trip' - effects of LSD cause auto accident, then teenager attempts sui |
Drugs |
114278 |
'Backyard ecology' study at William Penn College, Oskaloosa |
06/25/1972 |
18C:1 |
Environment |
114279 |
'Backyard ecology' offered at William Penn College July 19 to August 6. |
06/06/1971 |
4T:3 |
William Penn College |
114280 |
'Backward, unenlightened'. |
03/30/1969 |
8T:1 |
Capital Punishment |