1901 |
Widening budget deficit |
07/11/1970 |
10:01 |
Budget - United States |
1902 |
Widen the war? |
10/08/1967 |
6T:1 |
Vietnam |
1903 |
Widen lead as party of "prosperity." |
08/08/1971 |
4G:6 |
Democratic Party |
1904 |
Widen jobless claim service in state, list of officers |
11/25/1966 |
12:01 |
Insurance, Unemployment |
1905 |
Widen ban on tax boost. |
12/17/1965 |
19:07 |
Property Tax |
1906 |
Widely-evaded lottery law |
04/06/1972 |
6:01 |
Gambling |
1907 |
Wide-spread experimentation of alcohol, marijuana and stimulant drugs among |
09/19/1974 |
9:01 |
Drugs |
1908 |
Wide-open Wisconsin primary |
07/20/1967 |
6:01 |
Elections |
1909 |
Wide' Creston drinking problem. |
03/23/1969 |
6L:1 |
Liquor Problem |
1910 |
Wide views by Iowan Congressmen on sharing plan |
02/05/1971 |
2:03 |
Taxation |
1911 |
Wide views by Iowa Congressmen on sharing plan. |
02/05/1971 |
2:03 |
Congressmen |
1912 |
Wide views by Iowa Congressmen on sharing plan |
02/05/1971 |
2:03 |
Federal and State Relations |
1913 |
Wide variety of student aid at North Iowa College. |
03/14/1971 |
2T:2 |
College Students - Aid |
1914 |
Wide variety of outdoor equipment for sports show--March 25-30 |
03/23/1969 |
6T:4 |
Sports |
1915 |
Wide variations in narrow-row corn yields for 1965 |
12/05/1965 |
1F:1+ |
Corn |
1916 |
Wide sweep to sewage order. |
11/04/1969 |
1:05 |
Water Pollution |
1917 |
Wide support for federally-funded day care centers. |
07/13/1969 |
3W:1 |
Nursery Schools |
1918 |
Wide support for federally funded day care centers |
07/13/1969 |
3W:1 |
Gallup Poll |
1919 |
Wide scope for Guthrie '72 season |
05/05/1972 |
28:01:00 |
Minneapolis - Theater |
1920 |
Wide range of topics for church men. |
11/19/1967 |
2L:1 |
Clergy |