Articles Listings

Displaying 1061 - 1080 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
1061 After 15 years, statue of Black Hawk to regain head - Fourth-graders in the 05/04/1976 9A:2 American Revolution Bicentennial Celebration
1062 Ban on nude entertainment is rejected by Iowa Senate. 05/04/1976 1A:4 Obscenity (Law)
1063 A barrel saved 05/04/1976 16A:1 Oil
1064 Des Moines City Council renews threat to withhold social services funds 05/04/1976 11A:2 Municipal Finance
1065 Home rule for Iowa counties 05/04/1976 16A:1 County Government
1066 J. Mark and key prosecution witness apply to marry. 05/04/1976 1A:2 Crime and Criminals
1067 Drunk driving crackdown affects mostly blue-collar workers: study by Polk C 05/04/1976 12A:2 Drinking and Traffic Accidents
1068 After 15 years, statue of Black Hawk to regain head - Fourth-graders in the 05/04/1976 9A:2 Statues
1069 Helping China 05/04/1976 16A:1 United States -- Foreign Relations -- China (People's Republic)
1070 Friendly Fire: Chapter 17 05/04/1976 1A:5 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
1071 Everyone may cut, but who shampoos? That's the rub - the problems between t 05/04/1976 12B:2 Hairdressing
1072 Records for pot-users. 05/03/1976 8A:1 Marijuana
1073 The mystery of the missing $59,000 in municipal utility money has shaken th 05/03/1976 1A:1 Embezzlement
1074 Unconstitutional funding 05/03/1976 8A:1 United States Central Intelligence Agency
1075 Good new, bad news 05/03/1976 8A:1 United States Commerce
1076 Friendly Fire: Chapter 16 05/03/1976 1A:4 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
1077 Dictatorship upheld 05/03/1976 8A:1 India
1078 UNI-Dome, passers pass first grid tests 05/03/1976 1S:1 Iowa. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
1079 The rebirth of Nancy Albertson. 05/02/1976 p. 7 Cancer
1080 A touch of integrity. 05/02/1976 1B:1 Presidential Candidates