Articles Listings

Displaying 114121 - 114140 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
114121 William Penn corn pickers head back to the field April 9, 1976 04/09/1976 5A:2 William Penn College
114122 Iowa House unit rejects curb on area college expansion 04/09/1976 3A:5 Junior Colleges
114123 In Parkersburg, head for the popcorn stand first. 04/10/1976 1A:3 Popcorn
114124 State Senator H. L. Heying withdraws as a candidate for re-election. 04/10/1976 12A:3 Candidates, Political
114125 Good use of Citizens Band (CB). 04/10/1976 18A:1 Citizens Radio Service
114126 Blind Iowan to attend Yale Law School. 04/10/1976 1B:1 Blind
114127 Let Iowa unit okay N-plant sites: Iowa House. 04/10/1976 1A:1 Atomic Power Plants
114128 Daily Iowan wins award as 'Newspaper of Year' 04/10/1976 7A:1 Newspapers
114129 Center's initial tax bite higher than Cedar Rapids figured 04/10/1976 12B:5 Municipal Finance
114130 Iowa House rejects limitations on annexation 04/10/1976 1A:2 Municipal Government
114131 Speaking for democracy 04/10/1976 18A:1 Culver, John
114132 Iowa Democrats to select 40 delegates April 10, 1976. 04/10/1976 4S:5 Democratic Party
114133 Board members troubled by lack of control over area education 04/10/1976 9A:1 Education - Iowa
114134 Des Moines Education Association elects Paul Mann, twenty-nine, a social sc 04/10/1976 6A:1 Teachers
114135 James Callaghan to the top. 04/10/1976 18A:1 Great Britain
114136 Iowa State University sells land parcel to low bidder 04/10/1976 6A:5 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
114137 Iowa's first swine flu vaccine coming in month 04/10/1976 18A:3 Influenza
114138 Movies' buttered popcorn may be something else - Iowa's Secretary of Agricu 04/11/1976 14A:2 Popcorn
114139 Jimmy Carter wins 17 or Iowa's 47 delegates, H. Humphrey and M. Udall also 04/11/1976 1A:6 Presidential Candidates
114140 Is your hobby a health hazard? - powders, aerosols, chemicals, adhesives, d 04/11/1976 6E:1 Pressure Packaging