Articles Listings

Displaying 114201 - 114220 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
114201 'Cheating' in Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) program 11/24/1967 8:01 Social Welfare
114202 'Cheap tax' race feared. 07/26/1969 6:06 Property Tax
114203 'Chaos' over summer pay 05/24/1968 3:01 Iowa. State Conservation Commission
114204 'Ceremonies' poignant but uneven play "Ceremonies in Dark Old Men: by Lonne 06/21/1970 2L:5 Theater
114205 'Centennial' year in Iowa - list of communities marking their 100th birthda 06/29/1969 4T:1 Iowa - History
114206 'Censorship' charges by Drake paper. 03/01/1969 6:05 Censorship
114207 'Censorship' charges by Drake paper 03/01/1969 6:05 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
114208 'Censored,' Des Moines Vietnam editor quits - Marine Corporal Rick Frederic 09/29/1969 1:02 Censorship
114209 'Carving up' Iowa into four parts 10/21/1973 5B:4 Iowa
114210 'Cars don't kill--people do' 05/31/1973 6:04 Harris, Sydney
114211 'Carry Me Back' song disturbs blacks. 02/11/1970 1:02 Race Problems
114212 'Can't do' auto makers 04/16/1973 16:01 Automobile Engines - Exhaust
114213 'Can't comply' with permit term, Green County cattleman's case sent to Atto 07/24/1975 8:01 Water Pollution
114214 'Camus' lecture at Central College, February 16 and 17. 02/15/1970 5T:5 Central College, Pella, Iowa
114215 'Camp-in' to protest Dow 11/28/1967 1:04 Iowa. University, Iowa City
114216 'Buying back' our bases 03/31/1976 8A:1 Turkey
114217 'Burn' hole in bank vault in $18,000 Iowa burglary, Tingley 08/12/1970 5:01 Burglary and Burglars
114218 'Build or bury' vote set at Cedar Rapids for proposed Civic Center. 07/22/1969 11:01 Cedar Rapids, Iowa
114219 'Bugging' bar conversations 03/11/1969 6:01 Wire Tapping
114220 'Bugging' assumed, despite law. 08/24/1972 10:01 Wire Tapping