Articles Listings

Displaying 114241 - 114260 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
114241 'Bird migration' lecture at Iowa State University 03/26/1968 6:05 Wildlife
114242 'Birchers' plan anti-United Nations bid - Greater Des Moines TRAIN (To Rest 10/17/1973 4S:1 John Birch Society
114243 'Bingo kid' arrested in Burlington 05/10/1974 1:01 Gambling
114244 'Bingo bill' passes Iowa senate, thirty-nine to eight, would limit cash pri 03/01/1973 1:03 Gambling
114245 'Billions wasted, sky-high profit' in military and space contracts 06/21/1970 6T:3 United States - Appropriations and Expenditures
114246 'Biggest, best season' yet for disabled at Sunnyside. 07/30/1972 14C:1 Handicapped
114247 'Biggest slob in America' 03/18/1972 6:04 Harris, Sydney
114248 'Big trucks' bill opposed by engineers 09/11/1968 3:05 Trucks
114249 'Big government' seen as greatest threat, says poll 08/18/1968 9G:5 Gallup Poll
114250 'Big government' seen as greated threat, says Gallup Poll 08/18/1968 9G:5 United States
114251 'Big Bus bill' drive 01/25/1972 12:01 Trucks
114252 'Big bear' uses CB radio to help others 11/03/1974 3C:1 Trucks
114253 'Better qualified' 02/13/1970 10:03 Teachers
114254 'Best-dressed' in Des Moines. 04/18/1976 1E:1 Clothing and Dress
114255 'Berets' film getting rich on controversy 07/29/1968 4:05 Vietnam
114256 'Bequest' from 1967 to Iowans: Utter cunfusion over taxes. Questions and An 01/07/1968 6L: Taxation
114257 'Benign neglect' of race issue. 03/05/1970 6:01 Civil Rights
114258 'Behavior drugs' prescribed for Omaha pupils - to improve deportment and le 06/29/1970 1:01 School Children
114259 'Behavior drug' prescription for Omaha pupils -- to improve deportment and 06/29/1970 1:01 Drugs
114260 'Beggars' - and vandals - keep Des Moines police busy. 10/31/1969 1:02 Halloween