Articles Listings

Displaying 2261 - 2280 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
2261 Seek opinion on revealing Polk County job study 02/20/1976 5A:1 Government Employees
2262 Beer at party, Decorah bank pared for trip -- the band left for New Orleans 02/20/1976 3A:4 High School Students
2263 Mt. Vernon tavern woe: Privacy end 02/20/1976 1A:5 Hotels, Taverns, Etc.
2264 No agreement on zoning for Jewish Life Center, Des Moines 02/20/1976 2B:2 Jews in Iowa
2265 China's world-view. 02/19/1976 16A:1 China (People's Republic)
2266 Rules out Pleasant Hill forming own school unit, Des Moines. 02/19/1976 1A:4 Public Schools
2267 Iowa House rejects lid on local spending 02/19/1976 3A:5 Local Finance
2268 Physician, heal thyself. 02/19/1976 16A: 1 Medical Service
2269 Polk County Judge: Cycle helmet law is illegal, ruling applies only to Judg 02/19/1976 1A:1 Motorcycles
2270 Comptroller uncontrolled. 02/19/1976 16A:1 Banks and Banking
2271 Campaign funds bill by Representative Berkley Bedell. 02/19/1976 4A:4 Bedell, Berkley
2272 Polk County GOP bows it will fight Democrats for all posts. 02/19/1976 15A:2 Republican Party
2273 A Black Hawk County deputy sheriff was stopped by police for driving an est 02/19/1976 1A:2 Fines (Penalties)
2274 A suit filed by the American Automobile Association motor club of Iowa put 02/19/1976 17A:5 Trucks
2275 Iowa Senate bickers over a $5.50-a- week difference in pay levels proposed 02/19/1976 6A:2 Government Employees - Salaries, Allowances, Etc.
2276 Lawyer for three Des Moines area massage parlors argue that the Iowa Suprem 02/19/1976 2B:6 Health Clubs
2277 No-nonsense youth 02/19/1976 16A:1 Iowa. General Assembly
2278 Iowa Supreme Court criticizes Lee County Magistrate and set aside the sente 02/19/1976 6A:1 Justice, Administration of - Iowa Supreme Court
2279 Two books are ordered removed from libraries after parents complained that 02/18/1976 2B:5 Censorship
2280 Senator Clark, wife split after 23 years. 02/18/1976 1A:2 Clark, Richard C.