114801 |
When governor-elect Hughes takes office the public and Iowa politicians are |
11/11/1962 |
1L:1 |
Alcohol |
114802 |
When governor-elect Hughes takes office, the public and Iowa politicians ar |
11/11/1962 |
1L:1 |
Liquor Laws and Legislation - Iowa |
114803 |
Iowa repealed the death penalty but the hanging continued informally |
11/11/1962 |
12 |
Iowa. General Assembly |
114804 |
When governor-elect Hughes takes office the public and Iowa politicians are |
11/11/1962 |
1L:1 |
Hughes, Harold E. |
114805 |
Choose among these for state offices and Congress - short biographical sket |
11/04/1962 |
6F:1 |
Candidates, Political |
114806 |
Clergymen are responding to an appeal from a group called "Iowans Against t |
10/28/1962 |
3L:1 |
Capital Punishment |
114807 |
Clergymen are responding to an appeal from a group called "Iowans Against t |
10/28/1962 |
3L:1 |
Crime and Criminals |
114808 |
Coe faculty recommended enforcement has been impossible - that the college |
10/21/1962 |
1L:2 |
Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa |
114809 |
Coe faculty recommended- enforecment has been impossible- that the college |
10/21/1962 |
1L:2 |
Discrimination |
114810 |
A drive against death penalty - a group "Iowans Against the Death Penalty" |
10/12/1962 |
6:01 |
Capital Punishment |
114811 |
School prayers |
08/13/1962 |
10:01 |
Church and State |
114812 |
School prayers. |
08/13/1962 |
10:01 |
Public Schools and Religion |
114813 |
Illegal seizing of books |
06/24/1962 |
16G:1 |
Immoral Literature and Pictures |
114814 |
Court bars seized books as evidence |
06/22/1962 |
5:01 |
Immoral Literature and Pictures |
114815 |
High-handed with books |
06/19/1962 |
4:01 |
Immoral Literature and Pictures |
114816 |
Lewd book destruction is ordered |
06/16/1962 |
3:06 |
Immoral Literature and Pictures |
114817 |
Action by Coe College faculty to require proof of non-discrimination clause |
05/26/1962 |
5:01 |
Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa |
114818 |
Action by Coe College faculty to require proof of non-discrimination clause |
05/26/1962 |
5:01 |
College Fraternities |
114819 |
Action by Coe College faculty to require proof of non-discrimination clause |
05/26/1962 |
5:01 |
Discrimination |
114820 |
Coe College faculty recommends that fraternities prove they do not discrimi |
05/25/1962 |
11:08 |
Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa |