115241 |
Rural criminals |
Crime and Criminals |
115242 |
Polk County attorney will not hide public documents or falsify vouchers for |
Crime and Criminals |
115243 |
Responsible House action. |
Crime and Criminals |
115244 |
No-knock knocked. |
Crime and Criminals |
115245 |
Filibuster-by-amendment. |
Crime and Criminals |
115246 |
An oversight corrected. |
Crime and Criminals |
115247 |
What are they doing? |
Crime and Criminals |
115248 |
Sentencing hodgepodge. |
Crime and Criminals |
115249 |
Getting it in shape. |
Crime and Criminals |
115250 |
Impulses to kill. |
Crime and Criminals |
115251 |
Proof of rape. |
Crime and Criminals |
115252 |
Vetoing corrections. |
Crime and Criminals |
115253 |
Indiscriminate cuts. |
Crime and Criminals |
115254 |
Gagging the press. |
Crime and the Press |
115255 |
Seeks revision of state laws on child abuse. |
Cruelty to Children |
115256 |
Seeks treatment for parents in child abuse cases - Iowa. |
Cruelty to Children |
115257 |
Cures wores than disease |
Cuba |
115258 |
Peru acts on land reform |
Cuba |
115259 |
Castro says 'no' |
Cuba |
115260 |
Living with communist Cuba |
Cuba |