Articles Listings

Displaying 20001 - 20020 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
20001 Choices: Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater 07/21/1974 8B:1 Gallup Poll
20002 Choices: Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, B. Goldwater. 07/21/1974 8B:1 Presidential Candidates
20003 Choir concert at Cornell, November 23 11/23/1969 4T:6 Music
20004 Choir concert at Cornell, November 23. 11/23/1969 4T:6 Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa
20005 Choir frisking draws rebuke 04/10/1969 9:06 Police
20006 Choir frisking draws rebuke. 04/10/1969 9:06 Race Problems
20007 Choir frisking draws rebuke. 04/10/1969 9:06 Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa
20008 Choking off dissent in Russia 10/20/1968 8T:1 Czechoslovakia
20009 Choking off dissent in Russia. 10/20/1968 8T:1 Russia
20010 Choking smog hits Chicago 11/11/1969 1:04 Air Pollution
20011 Cholera count reduced 52 percent. 10/08/1969 4S:7 Cholera
20012 Cholera law effective in Iowa July 1. 07/01/1969 3:01 Cholera
20013 Cholera law seen as 'milestone'. 06/29/1969 1F:1 Cholera
20014 Cholera may hit Iowans this year, doctors told. 03/29/1971 1:06 Cholera
20015 Cholera outbreak points up split over vaccinating. 09/01/1968 1F:7 Cholera
20016 Choose among these for state offices and Congress - short biographical sket 11/04/1962 6F:1 Candidates, Political
20017 Choose Baringer as Iowa House speaker, Rigler is selected for Senate post 11/30/1966 1:01 Iowa. General Assembly
20018 Choose Mrs. Eisenhower as most admired woman 01/01/1970 10:03 Eisenhower, Mamie Geneva (Doud)
20019 Choose Mrs. Eisenhower as most admired woman 01/01/1970 10:03 Gallup Poll
20020 Choose South Iowa route for new passenger train. 03/23/1971 6S:3 Railroads