Articles Listings

Displaying 20041 - 20060 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
20041 Christine Sheets 1968 Drake Relays queen. 04/21/1968 2L:7 College Students
20042 Christmas amnesty? 12/24/1975 6A:1 Military Service, Compulsory - Draft Resisters
20043 Christmas at Vonie White's house 12/18/1975 1B:5 Christmas
20044 Christmas buying big across Iowa. 12/18/1970 1:07 Christmas
20045 Christmas buying big across Iowa. 12/18/1970 1:07 Business
20046 Christmas carols draw 'humbug' 12/16/1975 1A:1 Christmas Carols
20047 Christmas census of Des Moines Audubon Society showed 44 species of birds i 12/25/1967 3:03 Bird Study
20048 Christmas deep down 12/25/1970 14:02 Christmas
20049 Christmas deep down 12/25/1970 14:02 Youth
20050 Christmas during the Great Depression. 12/15/1968 1W:1 Christmas
20051 Christmas everyday at Cedar Rapids church 12/21/1969 1T:2 Churches
20052 Christmas gift mystery is solved at Iowa Falls - the idea was the brainchil 01/03/1975 16:05 Christmas Gifts
20053 Christmas in July at the University of Iowa Catholic Student Center. 07/07/1974 7A:1 Iowa. University, Iowa City
20054 Christmas in public schools. 12/14/1966 8:01 Public Schools and Religion
20055 Christmas is for children. 12/15/1968 5W:1 Christmas
20056 Christmas is worth keeping. 12/20/1970 12T:1 Christmas
20057 Christmas letter from Iowa Prisoner of War, Air Force Captain Harold Johnso 12/25/1969 1:03 Vietnamese War, 1957 - Prisoners and Prisons
20058 Christmas mailing deadlines draw near. 11/25/1974 9:05 Mail Handling
20059 Christmas message 12/25/1965 3:05 Hughes, Harold E.
20060 Christmas message. 12/25/1965 4:01 Paul VI, Pope