Articles Listings

Displaying 20101 - 20120 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
20101 Church attendance drop in United States is leveling off 12/24/1972 1:02 Church Attendance
20102 Church attendance drop in United States is leveling off 12/24/1972 1:02 Gallup Poll
20103 Church attendance figures steady 01/13/1974 4B:4 Church Attendance
20104 Church attendance figures steady 01/13/1974 4B:4 Gallup Poll
20105 Church blocks road grading, Kamrar. 04/30/1970 17:03 Roads - Iowa
20106 Church booths face tax problem 08/06/1967 2L:6 Taxation
20107 Church colleges open doors to 'unqualified' Negro students 10/14/1967 9:02 Negro Students
20108 Church colleges open doors to 'unqualified' Negro students. 10/14/1967 9:03 Denominational Colleges
20109 Church conference a banner occasion. 07/06/1969 p. 10 Religious Conferences
20110 Church drive to aid Negro in the north. 12/04/1964 1:01 Civil Rights
20111 Church fights racist rule 06/09/1969 4:05 Church and Race Problems
20112 Church funds aid mission in the Valley 07/27/1969 3T:1 Churches
20113 Church gifts to home: $158,250, Story City. 03/22/1970 10T:4 Nursing Homes
20114 Church group is critical of 'gay' dance at University of Iowa 08/03/1974 1:02 Homosexuality
20115 Church group opposes Des Moines 'riot control'. 01/16/1969 3:08 Riots
20116 Church group rejects strong statement on racism by 3 Iowa pastors. 10/01/1968 20:02 Racism
20117 Church group rejects strong statement on racism by three Iowa pastors. 10/01/1968 20:02 Clergy
20118 Church groups owning Eastman Kodak Company stock withhold signing stock pro 04/13/1967 4:01 Discrimination in Employment
20119 Church harbors draft fugitives. 05/21/1968 1:07 Military Service, Compulsory
20120 Church help for jobless, Cedar Rapids 01/30/1972 1B:3 Unemployment