Articles Listings

Displaying 20141 - 20160 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
20141 Church part of training program at 3 military service academies is question 04/28/1970 4S:5 Military Service
20142 Church part of training program at three military service academies is ques 04/28/1970 4S:5 Church and State
20143 Church picnic reaps profit of gambling, subject of famous 1971 raid, North 09/03/1973 1:01 Gambling
20144 Church protests holding 1968 Grundy fair on Sunday. 01/01/1968 1:04 Grundy Center, Iowa
20145 Church school aid test 12/16/1966 14:01 Federal Aid to Education
20146 Church school closings set 02/16/1970 1:04 Parochial Schools
20147 Church schools ask state aid--Catholics: Crisis looms in education 02/12/1969 1:08 Parochial Schools
20148 Church schools ask state aid--Catholics: Crisis looms in education. 02/12/1969 1:08 School Finance
20149 Church scuffle; blacks arrested, Kansas City 06/01/1970 4:01 Church and Race Problems
20150 Church seeks blacks' role, Saint Louis 03/12/1970 13:01 Church and Race Problems
20151 Church shifts by Methodists 06/11/1969 4:04 Churches
20152 Church shifts position, upholds Professor Baker's conviction 05/23/1968 1:06 Churches
20153 Church starts black caucus, Memphis, Tennessee 06/20/1970 4:08 Church and Race Problems
20154 Church study supporting violence is withdrawn 01/24/1969 13:02 Violence
20155 Church sues to bar Des Moines tax on home 11/25/1970 1:06 Taxation, Exemption From
20156 Church sues to bar Des Moines tax on home. 11/25/1970 1:06 Actions And Defenses
20157 Church Synod to meet March 15 on Bakers' appeal 02/06/1968 18:06 Churches
20158 Church takes Bakers back. 05/24/1973 5:01 Baker, Joseph E.
20159 Church theft during sermon. 12/15/1968 8L:1 Stealing
20160 Church trial testimony by pastor and his wife 01/28/1968 1L:6 Churches