Articles Listings

Displaying 20161 - 20180 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
20161 Church turns down tax break, Marion 01/25/1970 4L:1 Taxation, Exemption From
20162 Church unity advances - too late? 02/22/1970 12T:3 Church Unity
20163 Church will run small town's store, Chapin, Iowa. 01/20/1974 1A:2 Grocery Stores
20164 Church youths wave banners - Iowa Society of Christian Churches, Des Moines 05/18/1970 13:04 Churches
20165 Church, co-op tangle over proposed feedlot - Boyden, Iowa. 03/31/1974 1F:1 Water Pollution
20166 Church-school busing 04/16/1974 4:01 Private Schools
20167 Church-school busing. 04/16/1974 4:01 School Children - Transportation
20168 Church-state - how separate? 06/22/1968 8:01 Church and State
20169 Church-state issue behind tax lawsuit - case before the United States Supre 02/28/1971 1G:5 Church and State
20170 Church-state issue behind tax lawsuit, funds used to aid parochial schools, 02/28/1971 1G:5 Justice, Administration Of
20171 Church: Guilty of discrimination 06/04/1969 6:02 Church and Race Problems
20172 Church: guilty of discrimination. 06/04/1969 6:02 Discrimination
20173 Churches and drug abuse 04/08/1973 8C:1 Church and Social Problems
20174 Churches and drug abuse 04/08/1973 8C:1 Drugs
20175 Churches and nuclear power 10/26/1975 1B:1 Atomic Power
20176 Churches at fault, says AIM leader, Des Moines 04/27/1973 11:01 Indians of North America -- Iowa
20177 Churches bid to help Yank draft exiles - 60,000 have fled to Canada. 12/04/1969 1:06 Military Service, Compulsory
20178 Churches changing views on sex, study reveals 07/08/1968 1:03 Sex Instruction
20179 Churches closing 01/06/1970 4:03 Churches
20180 Churches drawing the color line, Georgia incident. 10/02/1966 18G:1 Discrimination