Articles Listings

Displaying 20381 - 20400 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
20381 Cites demands for safe roads. 02/02/1967 11:04 Roads - Iowa
20382 Cites disagreement on 'good use' of LSD. 10/12/1969 15T:2 Drugs
20383 Cites education gap 04/23/1967 3L:3 Hughes, Harold E.
20384 Cites enough fuel supplies for Iowa builders 01/17/1974 3:01 Fuel Supply
20385 Cites failure of Congress to enact Nixon programs. 06/17/1971 14:04 Nixon, Richard Milhous
20386 Cites failure of education programs 09/13/1970 11T:1 Education
20387 Cites farm waste control. 04/29/1971 7:06 Scherle, William
20388 Cites federal jail policies, Davenport 05/15/1971 7:08 Schwengel, Fred
20389 Cites Food Stamp okay for ice cream. 05/08/1971 7:05 Scherle, William
20390 Cites gains in fighting hog cholera. 05/22/1968 3S:7 Cholera
20391 Cites GOP decline with Negro, gain in union vote. 10/16/1966 9G:1 Political Parties
20392 Cites Grand Old Party decline with Negro, gain in union vote 10/16/1966 9G:1 Gallup Poll
20393 Cites heavy abortion toll, asks revision of United States laws 11/02/1966 12:07 Abortion
20394 Cites high farm income 09/14/1966 3:01 Hughes, Harold E.
20395 Cites his education votes 10/14/1966 6:03 Miller, Jack
20396 Cites impact of National Farmers Organization milk action. 02/16/1969 1F:1 National Farmers Organization
20397 Cites inaugural move as evidence of popularity. 12/31/1970 8:06 Ray, Robert D.
20398 Cites inmate letter to Governor Ray in hair case. 07/29/1972 3:04 Prisoners
20399 Cites Iowa rabies, urges eradication of skunks. 05/01/1973 16:04 Rabies
20400 Cites Iowa sentiment to support university probe 07/27/1969 7T:2 Iowa. General Assembly