Articles Listings

Displaying 20581 - 20600 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
20581 City council ratifies new sewer line for Altoona 08/04/1970 8:03 Municipal Government
20582 City Council rejects Cedar Rapids parking plan 05/05/1970 11:02 Automobile Parking
20583 City Council rezones area for Scandia 03/12/1968 1:05 Des Moines, Iowa
20584 City Council scheduled to vote on abolishing a citizen's committee which ad 01/26/1969 4L:4 Des Moines, Iowa
20585 City Council seat winner faces charge of assault 12/27/1973 3:06 Government Employees
20586 City Council seeks end of art suit brought against the councilmen by seven 06/04/1968 1:04 Art - Exhibitions
20587 City council sells bonds 02/03/1970 5S:7 West Des Moines, Iowa
20588 City Council sets public hearing on a proposal to build a 600-car, city-own 06/04/1968 3:07 Des Moines, Iowa
20589 City Council steps into manhole dispute. 08/13/1968 6:01 Des Moines, Iowa
20590 City Council to probe bar to modular homes, Des Moines 09/22/1970 1:03 Building Laws and Regulations
20591 City Council to vote on Des Moines pollution. 04/20/1969 1L:8 Water Pollution
20592 City Council voted 4-1 not to contest higher bus fares requested by the Des 12/19/1967 1:07 Des Moines, Iowa
20593 City Council voted against a pay differential between police and firemen. 03/29/1968 6:01 Davenport, Iowa
20594 City Council voted to deny a request to rezone some residential land to per 12/19/1967 4:05 Des Moines, Iowa
20595 City Council voted to tear down former Federal Building and replace it with 06/25/1968 1:07 Des Moines, Iowa
20596 City Council votes against liquor license for south side tap; state to have 06/22/1976 8A:2 Hotels, Taverns, Etc.
20597 City council votes three new fire stations, Des Moines 12/18/1973 1:07 Fire Protection
20598 City Council will be asked to hire a private attorney to defend the city ag 04/06/1968 12:01 Des Moines, Iowa
20599 City Council will sell sewer bonds 01/10/1969 15:01 Dubuque, Iowa
20600 City Council will vote on resolution endorsing low-rent housing project for 01/07/1968 1L:4 Des Moines, Iowa