Articles Listings

Displaying 20841 - 20860 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
20841 Claim jail does not help alcoholics; ask for center in Des Moines. 07/20/1967 8:07 Alcoholism
20842 Claim Job Corps camp pollutes Mammoth Cave 21:07 United States Job Corps
20843 Claim juvenile transfers to prison unconstitutional 02/03/1972 3:01 Justice, Administration Of
20844 Claim new KRNT tower could violate bird law 02/23/1974 1:05 Television Towers
20845 Claim New York adoption blocked for medical not ethnic reasons 11/10/1966 5:01 Child Custody (Law)
20846 Claim noise ruins living by freeway, Des Moines. 06/10/1970 1:04 Roads - Iowa
20847 Claim North Western assessed too little. 01/19/1966 3:01 Railroads
20848 Claim of J. A. Kennedy: made to confess 09/03/1969 7:04 Justice, Administration Of
20849 Claim Panthers get funds by college lectures, burglaries. 01/28/1971 2:05 Black Panther Party
20850 Claim Parsons head held two jobs - C.W. Kreisler taught at Kentucky School 05/10/1973 1:05 College Presidents
20851 Claim petty schemes cost each Iowan 20 dollars a year. 09/14/1967 9:07 Crime and Criminals
20852 Claim police officials mum, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 07/19/1974 16:01 Police
20853 Claim pot smoking at Boy Scout Headquarters. 06/06/1970 1:05 Marihuana
20854 Claim pre-teens use 'pot', glue. 12/10/1968 1:06 Marihuana
20855 Claim public cars little about safety. 01/19/1966 4:04 Automobiles - Safety Devices and Measures
20856 Claim river petition delay, Decorah. 11/26/1970 16:01 Rivers
20857 Claim SDS unit asked money for 'non-violence' 11/18/1969 16:02 Vietnamese War, 1957 - Protests, Demonstrations, etc, Against
20858 Claim Senator Hughes won't run 09/06/1973 1:01 Hughes, Harold E.
20859 Claim shared time ideas boomerang, Dubuque asks for a change. 04/16/1967 1L:1 Public Schools and Religion
20860 Claim Students for a Democratic Society unit asked money for 'non-violence' 11/18/1969 16:02 Students for a Democratic Society