Articles Listings

Displaying 21241 - 21260 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
21241 Clinton police vote for ticketing by state code--officers are "dissatisfied 09/28/1973 5:01 Police
21242 Clinton police, sheriff join forces in Iowa's most modern jail 09/13/1970 p. 4 Prisons
21243 Clinton police, sheriff join forces in Iowa's most modern jail. 09/13/1970 p. 4 Law Enforcement - Iowa
21244 Clinton showboat draws thousands. 10/15/1967 2T:1 Clinton, Iowa
21245 Clinton takes a forward step. 06/01/1968 6:01 Clinton, Iowa
21246 Clinton takes a forward step. 06/01/1968 6:01 County Government
21247 Clinton teacher is slain. 07/08/1968 1:08 Crime and Criminals
21248 Clinton voters kill Job Corps project 12/09/1970 20:05 United States Job Corps
21249 Clinton votes $60 million for industry 12/08/1965 1:06 Industry
21250 Clinton votes school bonds. 12/18/1968 16:03 School Finance
21251 Clinton's $90-million industrial complex 10/08/1967 3T:2 Industry
21252 Clinton's 90-million dollar industrial complex. 10/08/1967 3T:2 Clinton, Iowa
21253 Clinton's exciting 'paddlewheel players' 08/04/1968 p.4-7 Theater
21254 Clinton's park board backs down in squabble on land. 07/06/1972 7:05 Roads - Iowa
21255 Clinton, Mason City and Sioux City forming crime-study groups. 05/30/1968 4:06 Cities and Towns
21256 Clinton, Mason City and Sioux City forming crime-study groups. 05/30/1968 4:06 Crime and Criminals
21257 Clipped dog clips owner cost of parking ticket. 03/22/1970 6L:4 Dogs
21258 Clipping Powell's wings. 09/21/1966 12:01 Powell, Adam Clayton
21259 Clipping the public. 06/19/1975 6:01 Barbers and Barber Shops
21260 Clipping the public. 06/19/1975 6:01 Hairdressing