Articles Listings

Displaying 23381 - 23400 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
23381 Cosmic ray research balloon returns prematurely near Agnew, Nebraska about 05/19/1973 4:05 Balloons
23382 Cost curb boomerang 03/28/1970 4:01 Insurance, Health
23383 Cost curb boomerang. 03/28/1970 4:01 Medical Service
23384 Cost cut hits Des Moines projects 12/08/1970 3:06 Municipal Finance
23385 Cost error on road job told. 06/10/1971 3:05 Roads - Iowa
23386 Cost in long fight with Dutch Elm disease, Des Moines 10/29/1970 15:01 Elm - Diseases and Pests
23387 Cost of anti-pollution 03/21/1972 6:01 Environment
23388 Cost of beef isn't what's wrong with Russia. 01/30/1970 16:04 Russia
23389 Cost of beef up in Des Moines; result of slaughter prices. 03/29/1969 1:03 Meat Industry and Trade
23390 Cost of care at four state hospitals cut 03/05/1966 1:02 Mental Illness
23391 Cost of court-appointed lawyers, ruling. 07/24/1967 8:01 Cost (Law)
23392 Cost of defending the poor in Iowa. 02/28/1966 12:01 Cost (Law)
23393 Cost of Des Moines government has doubled in 10 years 04/05/1970 2T:2 Municipal Government
23394 Cost of Des Moines government has doubled in 10 years 04/05/1970 2T:2 Des Moines, Iowa
23395 Cost of Des Moines Metropolitan Transit Authority weekly pass cut to $4.50, 01/09/1975 1:01 Transportation
23396 Cost of food aid 10/05/1974 8:01 Food Relief
23397 Cost of good meat inspection. 04/10/1969 6:01 Meat Industry and Trade
23398 Cost of growing soybeans rising; trend is to all-out corn production. 04/18/1976 1F:1 Agriculture - Iowa
23399 Cost of Guard in Waterloo put at about $2,000 a day 09/19/1968 11:06 Iowa--National Guard
23400 Cost of Guard in Waterloo put at about $2,000 a day. 09/19/1968 11:06 Race Problems