Articles Listings

Displaying 2341 - 2360 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
2341 'Unused hours' to spouses? 10/24/1971 2B:8 Iowa. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
2342 'Upward Bound' called success by Office of Economic Opportunity 04/17/1970 15:02 United States Office of Economic Opportunity
2343 'Upward Bound' called success by Office of Economic Opportunity (O.E.O.) 04/17/1970 15:02 Socially Handicapped Children - Education
2344 'Urgent' bike path need seen in Dubuque survey. 08/20/1972 10B:1 Bicycling
2345 'Value' of a child 09/30/1971 8:01 Justice, Administration Of
2346 'Venereal' clouds pose a problem 10/29/1967 4T:2 Venus
2347 'Vicious circle' of college costs. 09/14/1969 9T:2 College Education, Cost of
2348 'Viet battle' staged in Des Moines 05/19/1968 7L:1 United States - Armed Forces
2349 'Viet Cong' is easier 04/15/1973 12C:1 Viet Cong
2350 'Vietnam battle' staged in Des Moines 05/19/1968 7L:1 Vietnam
2351 'Vietnamization' 10/21/1969 12:01 Vietnam
2352 'Violence is in the heart' 04/12/1969 6:04 Violence
2353 'Violence' at protest hit by Attorney General Mitchell 11/17/1969 1:02 Vietnamese War, 1957 - Protests, Demonstrations, etc, Against
2354 'Vote-at-eighteen' wins Senate nod, forty-nine to nine 02/18/1967 1:07 Voting
2355 'Waiting period' is not 'residence' Social Welfare
2356 'Waiting period' is not 'residence'. 04/29/1969 6:01 California
2357 'Warden of Witmer' Bill Burch brings joy to Des Moines neighbors 09/16/1974 1:03 Iowa -- Parks and Reserves
2358 'Wartburg College Choir Tour 70' record is on sale. 07/26/1970 5T:2 Wartburg College
2359 'Washington just isn't Richard Nixon's town.' 12/16/1970 6:05 Washington, District of Columbia
2360 'Waterloo busing now accepted'. 01/17/1975 11:02 Public Schools - Desegregation