Articles Listings

Displaying 2401 - 2420 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
2401 New school bus test 11/22/1965 1:02 Amish in Iowa
2402 Arnold Haugen wins Governor's award at Iowa Wildlife Federation banquet; ot 11/22/1965 4:02 Conservation
2403 Is Mars worth visiting? 11/22/1965 14:01 Space Flight
2404 Earned more than $100,000 a year, Pioneer HiBred Corn Company, etc. 11/22/1965 1:06 Wallace, Henry Agard
2405 Suggest memorial at birthplace 11/22/1965 3:03 Wallace, Henry Agard
2406 Iowa-Nebraska hearing 11/22/1965 14:01 Iowa - Boundaries
2407 Tax Commission to order complete real estate revaluation in 20 counties and 11/23/1965 3S:2 Property Tax
2408 Claim Big 10 academic standards limit football recruiting, is questionable. 11/23/1965 4:01 College Athletics
2409 New Des Moines elementary school looks like tepee; picture, criticism. 11/23/1965 16:01 Public Schools
2410 Governor urges truce, officials support bid 11/23/1965 1:8+ Amish in Iowa
2411 Amish children cry, sing to thwart officials 11/23/1965 1:7+ Amish in Iowa
2412 Amish stand explained 11/23/1965 3:06 Amish in Iowa
2413 Changing nuclear strategic balance. 11/23/1965 4:04 Atomic Weapons
2414 Banneker group of twenty-three elementary schools in Saint Louis slums pers 11/23/1965 4:01 Saint Louis - Public Schools
2415 New United States-Russia cultural exchange 11/23/1965 4:01 Cultural Relations
2416 Guidelines set for equality in hiring 11/23/1965 1:03 Discrimination in Employment
2417 Cedar Rapids 103,545, gain of 11,500 since 1960 11/23/1965 1:02 United States - Census
2418 Heaviest United States daily toll is 85; 1095 killed since January 1, 1961 11/23/1965 1:01 Vietnam
2419 His faith in soil, farmer. 11/23/1965 4:04 Wallace, Henry Agard
2420 Richard Wilson comments on the man and his errors. 11/23/1965 4:04 Wallace, Henry Agard