Articles Listings

Displaying 24381 - 24400 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
24381 Crosstown busing to church. 10/27/1972 16:01 Church and Education
24382 Crosstown busing to church. 10/27/1972 16:01 School Children - Transportation for Integration
24383 Crotchety badger attacks Iowa fisherman 06/01/1969 7T:2 Animals
24384 Crowd fails to save job for teacher, Wilton Iowa 05/10/1974 17:01 Teachers
24385 Crowd gathers to watch as Vinton, Iowa girl is beaten 06/13/1975 1:05 Violence
24386 Crowd of thousands finds lots to do at fair 08/22/1970 1:04 Iowa. State Fair
24387 Crowd photos by police 05/22/1970 10:01 Photography, Legal
24388 Crowd protests proposed sale of Delhi Lake at hearing. 10/05/1972 7:05 Conservation
24389 Crowded G.O.P. race for Senate. 07/18/1968 4:01 Iowa - Politics and Government
24390 Crowded Iowa prison 05/09/1975 10:01 Prisons
24391 Crowded Iowa prisons 10/27/1975 6A:1 Prisons
24392 Crowded sky over Chicago means Iowan must pay extra for flights there 01/14/1971 1:06 Ozark Air Lines
24393 Crowded sky over Chicago means Iowans must pay extra for flights there. 01/14/1971 1:06 Airlines
24394 Crowds lag at dairy show 10/01/1968 14:07 National Dairy Cattle Congress
24395 Crowds pack cattle show 09/26/1969 16:04 National Dairy Cattle Congress
24396 Crowds view headless statue of an eagle at entrance to Eagle Point Park 07/05/1970 4L:6 Iowa -- Parks and Reserves
24397 Crowds view headless statue of an eagle at entrance to Eagle Point Park 07/05/1970 4L:6 Vandalism
24398 Crown Iowa dairy princess. 10/28/1966 24:02:00 Beauty Contests
24399 Crowns Queen, gives autographs at Fair. 08/21/1971 1:04 Borlaug, Norman Ernest
24400 Crucial ABM test for President Nixon - Senator Miller opposes antiballistic 03/09/1969 1G:8 Miller, Jack