Articles Listings

Displaying 24721 - 24740 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
24721 Czech-Soviet pact: troops to withdraw - Dubcek must limit freedoms 08/27/1968 1:01 Czechoslovakia
24722 Czechoslovak courage 10/29/1968 8:01 Czechoslovakia
24723 Czechoslovak repression 07/06/1970 8:01 Czechoslovakia
24724 Czechoslovakia invaded! Russsian tanks in Prague 08/21/1968 1:08 Czechoslovakia
24725 Czechoslovakia' s tight-rope act 09/18/1968 8:01 Czechoslovakia
24726 Czechoslovakia's open borders 07/30/1968 8:01 Czechoslovakia
24727 Czechoslovakian General blames Russia for Pueblo case. 06/23/1969 17:02 Pueblo Incident, 1968
24728 Czechs bow to Russians. 10/05/1968 1:08 Russia
24729 Czechs change rulers quietly, a precedent in Communism 01/13/1968 6:04 Czechoslovakia
24730 Czechs change rulers quietly, a precedent in Communism. 01/13/1968 6:04 Communism
24731 Czechs found home in Iowa 11/16/1975 5C:1 Iowa - History
24732 Czechs found home in Iowa 11/16/1975 5C:1 Immigrants in the United States
24733 D. Ambroson, superintendent, resigns from Clarion to accept a position with 04/21/1970 3:05 School Superintendents and Principals
24734 D. Bachman, director of Dubuque Human Rights Commission criticizes "Youth i 04/10/1970 11:05 Race Problems
24735 D. Bachman, Director of Dubuque Human Rights Commission, criticizes "Youth 04/10/1970 11:05 High School Students
24736 D. Baken, 30 is killed in cave-in beside a coffer dam. 11/20/1969 4:04 Accidents, Industrial
24737 D. Beall gives donor list. 10/31/1972 7S:4 Campaign Funds
24738 D. Beall tells of $441 in donations. 04/09/1972 5B:1 Campaign Funds
24739 D. Beall, M. Synhorst race for secretary of state is a study in contrasts 11/03/1972 12:02 Candidates, Political
24740 D. Bloom, publisher of Woodbine Twiner, is new president of West Central Io 05/05/1970 11:02 Publishers and Publishing