Articles Listings

Displaying 24741 - 24760 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
24741 D. Bok is named Harvard head. 01/12/1971 7:07 College Presidents
24742 D. Briggs sets smaller rise in valuations - 4 percent or 5 percent increase 09/04/1971 1:08 Property Tax
24743 D. Brubaker heads Des Moines club 10/18/1970 11T:4 Kiwanis Clubs
24744 D. Campbell cites cheating by livestock buyers 04/22/1970 15:01 Meat Industry and Trade
24745 D. Carlson back for induction. 03/14/1969 1:07 Military Service, Compulsory
24746 D. Carlson fails physical; back to Saipan. 04/24/1969 1:04 Military Service, Compulsory
24747 D. Clark aided by national labor units. 06/13/1972 7:01 Candidates, Political
24748 D. Clark and J. Miller appear in Waterloo, clash on 'loophole' 10/28/1972 20:05 Candidates, Political
24749 D. Clark assails senator; J. Miller asks legal reform 10/31/1972 11:02 Candidates, Political
24750 D. Clark rakes tax move; Senator J. Miller cites his voting 11/04/1972 10:05 Candidates, Political
24751 D. Clark, Senator J. Miller meet in Des Moines for debate, clash on defense 10/09/1972 1:01 Candidates, Political
24752 D. Clark, Senator J. Miller square off on loophole-writing try 11/02/1972 22:02 Candidates, Political
24753 D. Clawson bound to jury in girl's death. 09/19/1969 15:01 Crime and Criminals
24754 D. Clawson: 'gulity of manslaughter'. 12/16/1969 1:01 Crime and Criminals
24755 D. Clemens hearing postponed - the hearing concerns the election finances o 08/07/1975 7:02 Campaign Funds
24756 D. Colclaser heads Massey-Ferguson retail store, Des Moines. 06/21/1970 3F:8 Massey-Ferguson, Inc.
24757 D. Coverdell is acquitted in murder trial, Des Moines 10/30/1970 1:02 Justice, Administration Of
24758 D. E. Downey, 19, of Adel, received his first wedding gift from Municipal J 08/20/1970 1:04 Justice, Administration Of
24759 D. E. Holmes transfers to Washington. 11/19/1969 3S:8 Conservation
24760 D. E. Johnson, Administrator of Veteran Affairs, tells Veterans of Foreign 08/21/1969 4:01 Johnson, Donald E.