Articles Listings

Displaying 25281 - 25300 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
25281 David S. Broder . . . big funeral for an unloved 15-year-old, desegregation 03/02/1970 6:03 Public Schools - Desegregation
25282 David S. Broder...Public doubts either party will make real changes 03/12/1970 12:05 United States -- Politics and Government
25283 David Stanley and Robert Ray win Des Moines Register straw poll at Republic 06/08/1968 5:05 Republican Party
25284 David Stanley charges that Democratic Party's state plaform can be interpre 09/06/1972 22:02 Drugs
25285 David Stanley charges that Democratic Party's state platform can be interpr 09/06/1972 22:02 Candidates, Political
25286 David Stanley charges that Governor Hughes has sabotaged the intent of the 10/23/1968 10:06 Iowa. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
25287 David Stanley critical of congressmen 12/20/1969 8:04 United States Congress
25288 David Stanley demands "prompt action by Johnson-Humphrey administration to 09/21/1968 16:04 Stanley, David
25289 David Stanley held large leads in first returns for Iowa Republican nominat 03/23/1968 6:01 Republican Party
25290 David Stanley held large leads in first returns for Iowa Republican nominat 03/23/1968 6:01 Stanley, David
25291 David Stanley recommends use of "ballots instead of bullets" to decide who 10/12/1968 4:06 Candidates, Political
25292 David Stanley recommends use of ballots instead of bullets to decide who go 10/12/1968 4:06 Vietnam
25293 David Stanley says the "Johnson Humphrey Vietnam policy has failed miserabl 09/20/1968 3S:8 Vietnam
25294 David Stanley says the "Johnson-Humphrey Vietnam policy has failed miserabl 09/20/1968 3S:8 Candidates, Political
25295 David Stanley sponsors bill banning possession of firearms by persons convi 03/15/1969 8:03 Firearms
25296 David Stanley warns against 'veto-proof' United States Congress. 10/16/1974 3:01 Candidates, Political
25297 David Stanley, Robert Ray are winners. 09/04/1968 1:06 Candidates, Political
25298 David Stanley: let John Culver repay illegal milk contributions. 04/12/1974 5-S:6 Campaign Funds
25299 David Stumma wins Chamber of Commerce award for The Most Courteous Policema 08/09/1970 3T:1 Police
25300 David Wollenzien, teacher at Osceola High School, started saving pennies in 03/23/1969 3T:7 Teachers