Articles Listings

Displaying 25321 - 25340 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
25321 Day-care only for welfare mothers? 12/20/1971 10:01 Day Nurseries
25322 Day-to-day cost of driving a car, the pros and cons of car pools 10/01/1972 1B:4 Automobiles - Cost of Operation
25323 Dayan advice on Vietnam 06/08/1967 10:01 Vietnam
25324 Daylight on income of judges 06/12/1969 12:01 Judges
25325 Daylight on income of judges. 06/12/1969 12:01 Public Officers - Salaries, Allowances, Etc.
25326 Daylight savings time (DST) ends in Iowa at 2 a.m. October 27. 10/26/1968 1:04 Daylight Savings
25327 Daylight savings time (DST) self-defeating in terms of saving energy, some 02/18/1974 3:06 Daylight Savings
25328 Daylight time begins at 2 a.m. April 26 04/25/1970 1:07 Daylight Savings
25329 Daylight time ends October 25 10/20/1969 22:02 Daylight Savings
25330 Daylight time inspires shortened school day, Latimer. 01/04/1974 5:07 Daylight Savings
25331 Daylight time rejected by Michigan legislature. 03/17/1967 4:04 Daylight Savings
25332 Days of 'pretzel' torture too much for Robert J. Naughton 04/08/1973 2C:1 Vietnamese War, 1957 - Prisoners and Prisons
25333 Days of treason in Iowa, by R. Bruce Harley 05/06/1973 1C:2 Iowa - History
25334 Dazzled by the superficial 04/26/1974 12:08 Harris, Sydney
25335 Dcotor (Dr.) Eugene F. Van Epps, 58, dies at Albuquerque, New Mexico. 03/13/1970 8:08 College Professors and Instructors
25336 DDT dumped into Persia's town water. 09/01/1970 1:01 Water Pollution
25337 DDT in human milk is found at high level. 10/09/1969 1:03 Pesticides
25338 DDT makers map fight on planned ban. 12/31/1969 1:05 Pesticides
25339 DDT production halted in Russia. 05/14/1970 7:04 Pesticides
25340 DDT use drops rapidly in United States. 04/29/1969 4:05 Pesticides