Articles Listings

Displaying 25621 - 25640 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
25621 Deborah DeWolf, of Eagle Grove, wins $500 piano prize. 04/05/1970 2L:7 Rewards, Prizes, Etc.
25622 Debra Cagan, 20-year-old junior from Chicago, is elected President of Unive 03/06/1974 20:04 Iowa. University, Iowa City
25623 Debra De Wolf, Eagle Grove, wins $250 college scholarship at Iowa Music Tea 06/18/1970 5S:8 Scholarships and Fellowships
25624 Debt ceiling rise asked; stocks dip. 05/26/1970 1:07 Economic Conditions
25625 Debt mounts on landfill dump operation at Grundy Center. 06/06/1971 1T:2 Refuse and Refuse Disposal
25626 Debts close a satellite of Parsons - Pershing College, Beatrice, Nebraska. 01/29/1971 1:05 Colleges and Universities
25627 Debts of a welfare family. 09/30/1965 10:01 Public Welfare
25628 Debts total $3,952,608; has $30,855 10/29/1970 1:07 Midwestern College
25629 Decade of rights progress, Iowans have little reason for pride in the role 04/12/1968 8:01 Civil Rights
25630 Decade of waiting nears end. 05/15/1970 22:01 Oberammergau Passion Play
25631 Decatur County shows the way. 07/25/1973 6:01 Law Enforcement - Iowa
25632 Decay of two-party system 12/28/1971 6:01 United States -- Politics and Government
25633 Deceit in high places 08/13/1973 14:01 Asia, Southeastern
25634 Deceit is becoming routine 05/01/1972 10:01 Government and the Press
25635 Deceit is becoming routine. 05/01/1972 10:01 Public Officers
25636 December 1 deadline on listing guns 10/31/1968 1:06 Firearms
25637 December 1 lottery explained - draft calls on basis of birth dates. 11/30/1969 1G:8 Military Service, Compulsory
25638 December 30 listing for road plans. 12/24/1968 16:03 Roads - Iowa
25639 December 31 deadline on integration. 11/07/1969 3S:4 Public Schools - Desegregation
25640 December worst for rail safety in 1969. 02/22/1970 7L:3 Railroads