Articles Listings

Displaying 25701 - 25720 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
25701 Declarations of Independence. 11/14/1965 20G:1 Rhodesia
25702 Declare Democrats can do more for labor than Republicans at Iowa Federation 09/17/1965 11:02 Labor
25703 Declare Department of Transportation can regulate long trucks 07/16/1974 10:04 Transportation
25704 Declare error by Iowa judge 11/11/1970 5:04 Justice, Administration Of
25705 Declare mistrial in Ames; new judge to hear R. Roby, Iowa State University 04/29/1970 3:02 Race Problems
25706 Declare mistrial in Ames; new judge to hear R. Roby, Iowa State University 04/29/1970 3:02 College Students
25707 Declare mistrial in Ames; new judge to hear R. Roby, Iowa State University 04/29/1970 3:02 Justice, Administration Of
25708 Declare war? 10/30/1967 6:01 War
25709 Declare War? 10/30/1967 6:01 Vietnam
25710 Declared 'only the taxpayers lose' if there are excessive costs or profits 06/14/1968 9:05 Gross, Harold Royce
25711 Declared it was a serious mistake to have sent the Pueblo into the area off 01/30/1968 12:02 Hickenlooper, Bourke B.
25712 Declares 369 drugs, other products ineffective 11/28/1970 7:01 United States Food and Drug Administration
25713 Declares President Johnson won't allow Hanoi to humiliate us 04/18/1968 6:04 Peace
25714 Declares television best potential teaching tool 05/17/1970 8T:6 Television in Education
25715 Declares TV best potential teaching tool 05/17/1970 8T:6 Humphrey, Hubert H.
25716 Declares United States guarantees IPERS investment in Small Business Admini 12/09/1970 12:05 Iowa Public Employees Retirement System
25717 Decline bid to put bronze of Harold R. Gross in state building. 09/11/1974 1:01 Gross, Harold Royce
25718 Decline in 1973 of gonorrhea in Iowa, increase in United States 03/15/1974 12:02 Venereal Diseases
25719 Decline in approval of Nixon. 04/25/1971 8T:4 Nixon, Richard Milhous
25720 Decline in approval of President Nixon. 04/25/1971 8T:4 Iowa Poll