Articles Listings

Displaying 25781 - 25800 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
25781 Dedication of Arena Theater as Hallie Flanagan Davis Arena Theater, Novembe 11/15/1969 7:05 Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
25782 Dedication of new city airport to be held at Rockwell City September 2 08/18/1968 3L:5 Airports
25783 Dedication of New Hampton Municipal Airport August 4 08/04/1968 8L:7 Airlines
25784 Dedication of Pella airport 06/09/1968 2T:5 Airlines
25785 Dedication service for Homes of Oakridge, the 300 unit low-rent housing pro 06/14/1970 7L:4 Housing
25786 Dee Heim: Sheriff's job administrative, not patrol. 05/25/1976 6A:2 Candidates, Political
25787 Deemphasizing of Christmas in the Iowa City School District is questioned b 12/20/1974 19:03 Christmas
25788 Deemphasizing of Christmas in the Iowa City School District is questioned b 12/20/1974 19:03 Public Schools
25789 Deep council rift on Jens Grothe's successor, Des Moines 08/09/1972 1:06 Government Employees
25790 Deep Sea drilling 04/04/1973 6:01 Underwater Drilling
25791 Deep split seen among Republican leaders on issue of law and order. 08/01/1968 7:01 Republican Party
25792 Deepening crisis of authority in religion. 01/19/1969 6T:3 Catholic Church
25793 Deepening crisis of authority in religion. 01/19/1969 6T:3 Religion
25794 Deeper into the war? 02/18/1970 6:01 Vietnam
25795 Deeproots calendar for April. 03/28/1976 8C:2 Calendar
25796 Deeproots calendar for May - Populism and Social Protest. 04/25/1976 4C:2 Calendar
25797 Deer crashes window at Dowling classroom, Des Moines. 05/25/1976 8A:2 Deer
25798 Deer falls to death at University of Iowa. 10/19/1974 1:02 Iowa. University, Iowa City
25799 Deer harvest near average 12/07/1967 3S:4 Hunting
25800 Deer license applications pass quota. 10/19/1969 9S:1 Deer Hunting