Articles Listings

Displaying 26021 - 26040 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
26021 Degrees to 800 at Drake - Doctor (Dr.) F. H. Harrington, president of Unive 05/27/1969 10:06 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
26022 Degrees were presented to 805 graduates 06/01/1968 5:07 Iowa. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
26023 Dehumanization of society today causing teens' rebellion 07/02/1967 4W:1 Youth
26024 Dekalb, Illinois, prayer controversy. 05/08/1966 18G:1 Public Schools and Religion
26025 Del Van Horn, Director of Iowa Development Commission, reports 28 firms ope 02/06/1974 16:05 Industry
26026 Delaware asks United States Supreme Court to reconsider state's challenge t 11/08/1966 14:01 Electoral College
26027 Delaware County bid to collect $1.9 million in hospital debts 04/05/1970 3L:1 Local Finance
26028 Delaware County Board removed as financial administrator of program at Manc 07/24/1967 8:01 Project Head Start
26029 Delaware County institutional debt drive nets $4,102 05/17/1970 2T:5 Local Finance
26030 Delaware County is defended in suit filed in district court to recover $10, 06/29/1969 4T:5 Child Custody (Law)
26031 Delaware County Ministerial Fellowships has dropped plans to help two Cambo 08/05/1975 5:05 Refugees
26032 Delaware House eases abortion law. 05/28/1969 11:01 Abortion
26033 Delaware State College closed for the school year. 05/18/1968 5:01 Race Problems
26034 Delaware State College closed for this school year - diplomas and grades wi 05/18/1968 5:01 College Students
26035 Delay action by Des Moines Council of firemen 03/16/1971 6:04 Firemen
26036 Delay action on acquiring a crime-fighting computer for Des Moines police. 07/28/1970 3:04 Computers
26037 Delay action on acquiring a crime-fighting computer for Des Moines police. 07/28/1970 3:04 Crime and Criminals
26038 Delay action on athlete beer rule. 07/21/1971 10:01 Beer
26039 Delay action on Barnett 03/14/1967 3:05 Iowa. University, Iowa City
26040 Delay action on buying land for western Iowa university 02/03/1970 11:01 Iowa. Executive Council