Articles Listings

Displaying 26101 - 26120 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
26101 Delay on welfare penalty 12/17/1972 14C:1 Social Welfare
26102 Delay on welfare penalty 12/17/1972 14C:1 Insurance, Social -- United States
26103 Delay opening of freeway. 11/12/1967 1L:4 Roads - Iowa
26104 Delay penalty for long hair. 10/03/1969 3:05 Clothing and Dress
26105 Delay pleas of 8 indicted at Iowa City 01/13/1968 1:06 Iowa. University, Iowa City
26106 Delay report of findings in Dick Clemens' campaign. 09/12/1975 3A:1 Campaign Funds
26107 Delay Rockwell City spraying after petition drive is started 08/07/1970 3:02 Mosquitoes - Extermination
26108 Delay Rockwell City spraying after petition drive is started. 08/07/1970 3:02 Rockwell City, Iowa
26109 Delay rules on utility unit guide. 07/12/1972 4:01 Public Utilities
26110 Delay rules to cut odors of feedlots, air quality group heeds protests. 03/09/1973 1:01 Air Pollution
26111 Delay school busing plan, Charlotte, North Carolina. 03/26/1970 8:04 Public Schools - Desegregation
26112 Delay Scott jail decision 07/10/1971 9:04 Prisons
26113 Delay seen in Des Moines housing fund 02/15/1969 1:04 Housing
26114 Delay seen on public television in Western Iowa 08/31/1973 13:01 Television in Education
26115 Delay sentence for State Senator Hougen 08/11/1970 7:04 Justice, Administration Of
26116 Delay sentences for AIM leaders, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 07/31/1975 5:01 Justice, Administration Of
26117 Delay showdown on legal aid in Polk County. 01/27/1967 8:01 Cost (Law)
26118 Delay tactics on court nominees 07/13/1967 10:01 United States Supreme Court
26119 Delay tactics on no-fault 01/24/1975 6:01 Insurance, Automobile
26120 Delay tests of nerve gas. 07/16/1969 2:08 Chemical and Biological Warfare (C. B. W.)