Articles Listings

Displaying 26221 - 26240 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
26221 Democrat F. Anderson is declared the winner for 5th ward alderman 12/16/1969 11:05 Elections
26222 Democrat Arlo Hullinger appeals vote--loser in a special election to name a 01/24/1973 14:02 Elections
26223 Democrat C. Rasmussen likens G.O.P. Iowa Legislature to 'slow snail' 04/20/1969 7L:7 Iowa. General Assembly
26224 Democrat caucus results in question: underage voters. 03/30/1972 3:06 Democratic Party
26225 Democrat Clark Rasmussen gets appointment as district court clerk. 10/17/1975 16A:1 Public Officers
26226 Democrat Dan Kauzlarich a veteran area officer. 05/27/1976 9A:1 Candidates, Political
26227 Democrat Don Binneboese of Hinton defeats Republican Ben Nannen of Pierson 02/25/1976 1A:3 Elections
26228 Democrat floor leader of Iowa House chides House Republicans for trying to 02/22/1969 6:05 Lincoln, Abraham
26229 Democrat G. W. Gross, 41, defeats Republican V. Murray, 59, in special elec 03/09/1971 1:07 Legislators, Iowa
26230 Democrat G.W. Gross, 41 defeats Republican V. Murray, 58, in special electi 03/09/1971 1:07 Elections
26231 Democrat Gary Cameron in United States Senate bid. 02/10/1966 4:03 Candidates, Political
26232 Democrat George Kinley of Des Moines predicts revision of Iowa income tax l 05/19/1975 1:05 Income Tax
26233 Democrat James Moran points to police experience. 05/29/1976 11A:5 Candidates, Political
26234 Democrat James P. Rielly submits resignation as United States attorney for 01/15/1969 3:06 Lawyers
26235 Democrat Joseph Sullivan's campaign: To get his name OFF the primary ballot 05/26/1976 3A:2 Primaries
26236 Democrat Joseph Sullivan's campaign: To get his name OFF the primary ballot 05/26/1976 3A:2 Candidates, Political
26237 Democrat opposes Raymond Walton rakes Richard Turner on attitudes - wire-ta 09/30/1970 4:03 Turner, Richard
26238 Democrat P. Franzenburg predicts Ray-Jepsen split to bog down legislature 11/05/1971 13:05 Iowa. General Assembly
26239 Democrat platform unit firm on plank to end Vietnam war. 05/16/1970 5:03 Democratic Party
26240 Democrat primary endorsement? 05/13/1968 10:01 Democratic Party