Articles Listings

Displaying 26341 - 26360 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
26341 Democratic presidential candidates differ sharply on the death penalty, mil 01/11/1976 4A:1 Presidential Candidates
26342 Democratic presidential hopeful Morris K. Udall names former Iowa Democrati 06/14/1975 3:01 Presidential Candidates
26343 Democratic presidential hopeful, Senator McCarthy, names Mrs. King as a pos 08/18/1968 10G:7 King, Martin Luther
26344 Democratic presidential hopeful, Senator McCarthy, names Mrs. King as a pos 08/18/1968 10G:7 McCarthy, Eugene
26345 Democratic presidential hopefuls set Waterloo appearance. 10/29/1975 9A:1 Presidential Candidates
26346 Democratic prosecutor, W. G. Faches, prefers Republicans as jury members, L 12/15/1974 3C:1 Jury
26347 Democratic reform group reject proposal to define the word "men" as includi 02/18/1971 1:05 Democratic Party
26348 Democratic regulars seek move toward National Party Primary, Kansas City, M 12/07/1974 16:02 Democratic Party
26349 Democratic Representative called rubber stamp for President Johnson by Amer 11/18/1965 10:01 Bandstra, Bert
26350 Democratic representative thinks Governor should call special legislative s 11/29/1965 20:02 Insurance, Health
26351 Democratic Representative Wally Horn of Cedar Rapids wants a law restrictin 02/21/1975 1:04 Fuel Supply
26352 Democratic Senator Tydings winning Senate race in Maryland. 10/30/1970 15:01 Candidates, Political
26353 Democratic shift: debate economy, Kansas City, Missouri. 12/05/1974 8:01 Democratic Party
26354 Democratic split on Iowa farming bill, trouble seen for corporate act. 03/14/1975 1:04 Agriculture - Iowa
26355 Democratic standard bearers, wives. 08/30/1968 8:03 Presidential Candidates
26356 Democratic state campaign, 1968, mirrors reports on party's national campai 10/06/1968 3L:1 Democratic Party
26357 Democratic State Central Committee sets 1974 convention dates. 12/09/1973 15A:6 Democratic Party
26358 Democratic State Chairman C. Rasmussen tells of money woes 10/16/1969 3:02 Democratic Party
26359 Democratic State Chairman Rasmussen rakes funds appeal for Robert Ray. 10/19/1968 6:01 Campaign Funds
26360 Democratic State Chairman Rasmussen rakes funds appeal for Robert Ray. 10/19/1968 6:01 Ray, Robert D.